Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Nature and Content of Educational Technology Based on Mod- ern Information Conceptions of Education

The article is devoted to the design and implementation of education-
al technology based on modern concepts of information education.
An analysis of the validation of this technology conduct lessons on
the subject «New information technologies in educational process».
The presented technology is based on the didactic system MOODLE.


On the Problem of the Development of Educational Schools in Kazakhstan in 20?40-s of the ХХ Century

The article is devoted to the problem of the development of educational schools in Kazakhstan in 20?40-s of the ХХ century. The emphasis is laid on the fact that the process of formation of the educational system base in Kazakhstan had been taking place from the second half of the ХIХ century up to the 20-s of the ХХ century. Qualitatively new aims facing the national educational system of that period should have helped not only to liquidate illiteracy but to change spiritual sphere of the traditional society.

The Main Rule of the Didactic Theory by J.A. Comensky

The article explains the use of visual methods, established by J.A. Comensky, the founder of the didactic studies.

Formation of the Terms in the Language of Modern Didactic Studies

The article considers the ways of the term formation in the language of modern didactic studies.

Psychology and pedagogical conditions of students information activity development

This article is devoted to the problem of students information activity development, determination of psyhological and pedagogical conditions when this process is supposed to be most succesful. The article characterizes this kind of psyhological and pedagogical conditions, reveals the importance of their use in the process of higher education institution improvement.

General Cultural Component of the Higher Professional Education (Competence Method)

The article deals with methodological basing of the notional content of personality?s general cultural competence in the author`s interpretation. The author reveals the notional content according to the following: personal knowledge, productive types of activity, potential possibilities, orientations in valuables and implications, operational-actional component.

The Characteristics of Pedagogical Innovations

The article covers the essence of pedagogical innovations, the system of traditional and innovative education. It analyses pedagogical approaches to implication of innovative pedagogical activities in teaching practice.

Non-Verbal Components of a Speech Etiquette as PsychoPedagogical Research Phenomenon

The article is devoted to the problem of non-verbal components of a speech etiquette, which are examined in psycho-pedago-gical research
works. The essential characteristics of the given speech etiquette components are represented. Different non-verbal kinds of
communication and their usage within the speech etiquette standards are revealed. 

Definition, Structure and General Characteristics of Legal Culture

The author analyzed the definition of legal culture due to the leading specialists’ minds. There had been represented the structure of legal culture. 

Pedagogical Conditions of Formation of Cross-Cultural Value Orientations

The article covers pedagogical conditions necessary for successful formation of cross-cultural value orientations of students.

