Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Professional-Ethical Culture of Personality

Theoretical analysis of «professional-ethical culture of personality» notion within the bounds of activity, axiological and personal approaches is made. Correlation between profession and ethics is elicited. It is underlined that ethics is the core of professional culture.

Tutoring: on the Way to «Disciplined Imagination»

The article is devoted to the strategic vision creation and its perfecting in the process of tutoring. Synergy of the scenario methods and the cluster theory are essential to it that helps to reveal the dynamic structure of the open educational space. In this sense the concepts of «collective identity» of Arie de Geus and the cluster theory of Michael Porter are used. In the article the work about vision in the concept of «memory of the future» of David Ingvar and «scenario planning» of Herman Kahn are also explained.

Intercultural Competence of Teachers as a Condition of Preparation to Professional Work in a Multicultural Environment

Multicultural context of contemporary reality determines new tasks of preparation of students to educational activity. The intercultural competence of graduates is necessary. It lets them solve actual educational problems in the multicultural environment efficiently.

The Importance of Continuing Professional Training in the Context of «Ultramobility» of Education

The article examines the value of the subject of continuous training in contemporary education, requiring modern specialist high mobility and educational mobility. A comparative analysis of teachers of different age groups and causes of difficulties of realization of new educational models. Disclosed the goals and objectives of additional professional education of teachers.

Conditions for Successful Adaptation of the First Year Students to High School Training

The article is devoted to the study of the adaptation of first-year students to educational activity. Shows the essential characteristics of the initiative of the student: the structural components of this integrative quality of their relationship and the criteria and levels of formation, making possible the search for optimal ways of professional education, reveal the potential of the individual student. With a subjective approach to assess psycho-physiological conditions was used, focused on the analysis of subjective experiences.

The mission of Children’s Library in the Information Society

The article is devoted to the peculiarities of spiritual and moral education in the modern children’s library. This direction of educational work is connected with the main mission of libraries – familiarizing users with reading.

Self-up of ICT Technologies as Means of Formation at the Future Bachelors Physical Education Professional Stability

The article is devoted to the problem of formation of professional stability of bachelors of physical culture through self-educational activity using information and communication technologies.

It is Possible, and Can you Teach Creativity?

The paper discusses the negative effects of modern technological civilization with the installation of the mastery of nature, its transformation into commodities, which leads to uncontrolled changes as the environment, infrastructure and human activities that adversely affect human life and conditions of existence. It retains the priority technological engineering solutions that are based on the traditional system of education.


В статье проанализированы мнения исследователей об использовании в обучении инте- рактивных технологий, особенно в среде преподавания русского языка как иностранного. Автор предлагает ряд заданий, эффективных при обучении лексике, включая професси- онально ориентированную, в электронном учебном пособии по русскому языку как ино- странному. Даются упражнения, направленные на формирование у обучающихся коммуни- кативных навыков и правильной речи на примере притекстовых и послетекстовых заданий.


В статье рассматриваются вопросы становления обучающихся и соответствие личностных результатов обучения требованиям Фе- деральных государственных образовательных стандартов всех уровней. Этнокультурный подход к становлению личности пред- полагает использование выработанных человеком ценностей национальных культур. Наиболее адекватны сущности и предна- значению этнокультурной составляющей процесса становления учащихся принципы культуросообразности, народности, диалога культур и толерантности.
