Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Role of Modern Computerized Technologies in Preparation of the Future Logistics Officers for Foreign Language Communication

At present time the most important question of foreign language teaching is developing of the future logistics officers communicative skills for speaking and communicating foreign language fluently and correctly. New computerized technologies and multimedia means promote perfection of educational process of foreign language learning.

Organization of the Professional Cadets Training Control in the Military Institutes of Higher Education

The article describes the definition of control and reveals the methods of different control forms organization, that are used to check up cadets knowledge in the Saratov Military Institute for the Internal Troops of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation. Also the unified grade criteria are represented

Management Culture of a Military Specialist

The article deals with the characteristics of management culture, the analysis of concepts and scientific approaches to its study. The essence of management culture of a military specialist has been described. Values of management culture are marked, and also the aspects of this culture as creative process.

Interdisciplinary as a Total Phenomena of Cognition of ХХI Century: Conception of Interdisciplinary Vocabulary of Science

The article is about one of the most significant ХХ century s discovery ? interdisciplinary phenomena The author was concentrated her attention to conception of interdisciplinary vocabulary of science.


On January 24, 2008, two lives were tragically cut short: the head of the Psychology Department of the Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology of the Saratov State University, the Doctor of Psychology, Professor Rashid Khasyanovich Tugushev and his wife Olga Sergeevna Tugusheva. They lived together for more than 40 years ...


27?28 марта 2008 г. в Саратовском государственном университете состоялась Всероссийская научная конференция «Виртуальное пространство культуры: онтологический, аксиологический, антропологический и теоретико-познавательный аспекты», организованная Межрегиональным центром теоретических и прикладных исследований культуры «Артефакт», Саратовским отделением Российского философского общества и философским факультетом СГУ.


1–2 ноября 2007 г. на базе факультета педагогики, психологии и начального образования Педагогического института Саратовского государственного университета им. Н.Г. Чернышевского по инициативе кафедры психологии образования состоялась Международная научная конференция «Социальная психология в образовании: проблемы и перспективы», посвященная 30-летию факультета и 100-летию Саратовского государственного университета.

Forming Students' Communication Competence on the basis of the Etiquette Standards of Business Loan-Word Intercourse

This article is dedicated to students communication on the basis of the etiquette standards of business loan-words intercourse. We consider the following main descriptions: communication competence, business intercourse ethics, and etiquette standards of business loan-word intercourse. The pedagogical forming technology of such competences among the students has been represented.

Intercultural Communicative Students Competence in Conditions of Professional Education Modernization

The article highlights the problem of forming students intercultural communicative competence in higher educational establishments. This problem is revealed according to modernization of higher professional education. The main essence of such concepts as expertise, competence and intercultural communicative competence is considered. The formation of the process of students competence within the Saratov State Agrarian University is described.
