Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Peculiarities of Innovative Processes in Modern Education

The paper considers main directions of innovative transformations in Russian education. It reveals their specific features in view of the modern psychologo-pedagogical and social realities.

People’s Education Problems in Zemstvo Movement in Russia

The paper discusses the problem of the role and place of people’s education in the activity of public county councils (Zemstvo) in Russia.

Cooperation Between Provincial and District County Councils for People’s Education

The paper considers the basic directions and content of cooperation and relations of provincial and district county councils (Zemstvo) in the field of people’s education.

Essential Characteristics of Multicultural Communicative Interaction

The article discusses essential characteristics of multicultural communicative interaction and the necessity of their use while educating philology students.

Forming the Humanity’s Culture in the Professional Training of Future Engineers

This article is devoted to the formation of the humanity’s culture in the future engineers’ professional training. Analysis of such concepts as humanization and humanitarization is given, the question of meaning and purpose of the humanities in the future engineers’ professional activity is considered.

E-teaching and Methodical Complex of an Independent Work of Students.

This article deals with the problem of organization of an independent
work using educational and methodical complex.

Formation at the Future Managers the Responsible Relation to Acceptance of Administrative Decisions

Article is devoted consideration of theoretical aspects of a problem
formations at the future managers of the responsible relation
to acceptance administrative decisions. The analysis of essence of
concepts «decision-making» is carried out, «responsibility», «the
respon sible relation to acceptance of administrative de ci sions» on which
basis the structure of the responsible re lation to acceptance of
administrative decisions is defined, conditions of formation at the
future managers are revealed.

Non-Linguistic Institution Students Language and Culture Study Formation Diagnostics

The article deals with the contemporary information technologies usage potential in humanitarian cognition and education. The results of their influence on the non-linguistic institution students language and culture study formation level. 

Professional-Methodical Preparation of the Future Mathematics Teachers in Classical University: Tradition and Innovation

In the article prominent features of is professional-methodical preparation of the future mathematics teachers in educational process of classical university are considered.

The Professional Legal Training Model for the Agrarian University Students

The article is considered to offer the author’s approach to Science of Law professionally oriented teaching course based on common pedagogical criteria of the model as a system. As the
