Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Organization of Research Activities of Future Language Teachers in Foreign Countries

The article is devoted to the study of leading trends in the organization of research activities of future language teachers in foreign countries. General characteristics of innovative trends in foreign philological education are given and features of psychological, pedagogical, and linguistic training of future teachers of the native language and literature are highlighted. The expediency of using foreign experience in pedagogical universities of Russia is indicated.

Conceptual Dialectical Thinking of Students: Methodological Analysis

The article offers a methodological analysis of the formation of students' conceptual dialectical thinking. The research is organized in the context of students' professional activity as leading and determining in the formation and development of the future specialist. In determining the essence of conceptual dialectical thinking, the authors have been guided by the general psychological understanding of thinking as a process of analysis through synthesis and the movement from essence to phenomenon, from universal to singularity.

Developing Educational Environment in Kindergarten: Features of Formation in Accordance with the Requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education

The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the formation of developing educational environment of a preschool educational organization in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. The task includes, firstly, defining guiding lines for the formation of the developing kindergarten educational environment, and secondly, justification of the structure of this environment.

On the Content of Intellectual and Moral Potential of the Law Student

Development of education, including legal, is now one of the priority directions of development of the country which is fixed in strategic documents of the Russian Federation. High requirements to the future law expert suggest the formation of special competencies which allow to master new educational technologies easily and quickly, to be interested in the professional growth and improvement, and to be open to innovations in the educational process.

Meta-Educational Space as Methodological Basis of Professional Pedagogics

The article is devoted to such philosophical and pedagogical phenomenon as «meta-educational space». The idea of meta-educational space is based on the assumption that the world in which a person lives is a multidimensional, multifaceted, diverse and multivariate reality. This idea is the methodological basis of the study. The article analyzes various philosophical and pedagogical approaches to the theoretical construction of the category “meta-educational space”. The author's version of the definition of “meta-educational space” is proposed.

Genesis of the Problem of Preparing Students for Intercultural Interaction in the Pedagogical Science of the Post-War Soviet Period

The article is devoted to the consideration of the historiography of the problem of preparing students for intercultural interaction from the standpoint of the subject-integrated learning technology. The first post-war years were chosen as the time period – from the mid 40s of the XX century till the end of the 60s of the same century.

Development of Professionally Significant Physical Qualities by Means of Physical Recreation of Students

The article substantiates the need to integrate general education and vocational training of specialists in higher education institutions by introducing self-study in physical recreation. The novelty of the research was that during physical education classes the teacher trained the female students of an experimental group to be able to use the opportunities of physical recreation for developing professionally significant physical qualities independently, without the interaction with the teacher.

The Problem of Future Teachers' Readiness to Use Health Preserving Technologies

The paper deals with the problem of developing in students of pedagogical universities readiness to improve schoolchildren’s health by means of physical culture. It is emphasized that deterioration in the health of the younger generation is a pressing issue nowadays. As “school risk factors” have strong negative influence on the health of schoolchildren, health preserving activity must become a responsibility of every teacher. The study is aimed at revealing readiness of teachers to use health preserving technologies during their lessons.
