Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Theoretical Problems of Modern Pedagogical Creativity

Guseynov Ali Z., Saratov State University

The theoretical problems of modern pedagogical creativity as integrative characteristics of its processes of “selfhood” are disclosed, among which system self-knowledge, creative self-determination, self-management, self-improvement and creative self-realization of the teacher’s personality in his professional and creative development are given as the essence of pedagogical creativity. In turn, the methodological analysis of scientific concepts allows us to determine the main approaches to the study of this phenomenon, to look wholeheartedly at the professional activity of the teacher. The teacher as a creator of self-developing personality, being the subject of the pedagogical process, creates effective conditions for innovative activity, supports the activity, initiative and independence of the students. The creative potential of individuals, education and science become in modern conditions the most important value, the spiritual heritage of the state, the nation. Creativity is a combination of general and specific qualities, representing a complex structural formation. They are found not so much in specific knowledge, skills and skills, as in real heuristic creative activity. The most important means of developing the creative abilities of students are their extremely early inclusion in a creative, personally and socially significant cognitive activity. Successful formation of the creative personality is carried out using a set of innovative developing didactic means. Essential influence on the formation of the creative potential of the learner’s personality renders extremely generalized information, selected for training courses on a modular-synergetic basis. The study of the fundamental positions of pedagogical creativity shows its place in the educational process, and defines it as a resource of the quality of education in general.


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