Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Coping methods as a new paradigm for the processes of influencing the behavior and personal traits of schoolchildren

Introduction. Many educational systems recognize the importance of building a skill of conflict-free communication in the younger generation, which is based on tolerance or the ability to accept others without judging. Statistics indicate the presence of a large number of theoretical works on the development of conflict-free communication skills. However, psychologists record an increase in aggression and conflict in Russian society.

CLIL-approach to ESP training of practicing lawyers as part of the implementation of advanced training courses (experience of Financial University)

Introduction. Today, universities face the task of establishing cooperation with business, including in the field of creating language courses for advanced training within the framework of the transfer of educational technologies. The author presents a unique experience in the development of language training courses “English for lawyers” (Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, 2023). Theoretical analysis.

The role of speech patterns in professional oriented foreign language teaching

The introduction highlights a contradiction between a small number of training hours on non-major subject «Foreign language» and the requirements of leading approaches in education (competence-based, communicative) – the ability of non-linguistic students to use the foreign language in professional-oriented communication. The theoretical analysis is devoted to substantiating speech patterns teaching principle as the leading methodological path in professionally-oriented foreign language teaching.

Historical stages of formation and development of the system of education of the commander’s will in military universities' cadets

Introduction. In the modern system of military education in the Russian Federation, the issues of education of military professional qualities in future officers have become especially relevant. One of these qualities is the commander’s will. Theoretical analysis.


Введение. Статья посвящена выявлению общего и особенного спортивного отбора юных футболистов. Теоретический анализ. Исследование проводилось на основе анализа материалов научно-методической литературы и периодических изданий, опубликованных за последние 20 лет в России и странах Западной Европы (Германии, Нидерландов, Испании).

Содержание исследовательской деятельности педагогов профессионального образования

Активное вовлечение обучающихся колледжей России в процесс создания и реализации инновационных технологических и социальных проектов со стороны государства актуализирует вопрос развития исследовательских компетенций самих педагогов системы среднего профессионального образования. Научная новизна исследования определяется представленным в статье содержанием структурной модели исследовательской деятельности педагога профессионального образования, которая включает пять компонентов: мотив, цель, операционные действия и результат.

Methods and forms of education of a modern student

Introduction. At present, with the priority of education in the country’s public policy, it is important to analyze existing approaches to the categories of methods and forms of education. Theoretical analysis allows us to see contradictions in the interpretation of these concepts. Comparative analysis makes it possible to identify significant guidelines for the teacher in choosing methods and forms of education in working with children, and to highlight the most significant positions.

Theoretical aspects of the future teacher’s readiness for analytical activity

Introduction. In the realities of modern society experiencing the processes of globalization and informatization, there is an increasing demand for young professionals with the skills and abilities to analyze large amounts of information, able to make decisions based on data effi ciently and quickly. Theoretical analysis. This article discusses the main features of the implementation of the analytical activity of the teacher.

Model of methodological support of teachers in the design of the educational process

Introduction. In the modern educational situation, it becomes relevant to search for and implement effective practices that can become an alternative to traditional methods of transmitting knowledge and forming the skills of preschoolers. These include design that motivates the cognitive activity of children and increases the educational potential of the pedagogical process.

Motivation of humanities students to learn foreign languages: Changes and trends

Introduction. In teaching foreign languages to Russian students there is a tendency of decreasing motivation in learning European languages because of changes in the geopolitical situation. The aim of the article is to analyze the dynamics of the changes in students’motivation to learn English at Petrozavodsk State University from 2019 to 2022. Theoretical analysis. A comparative analysis of Russian and foreign studies shows that low motivation to learn prevents students from achieving high results.
