Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Effectiveness of Frame-Algorithms Application When Creating Problem Situations in Military Universities of the VNG of Russia

Bashlykov Aleksey Mikhailovich, Saratov Military Order of Zhukov Red Bannerorder Institute of National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation

The article is devoted to the consideration of the effectiveness of frame algorithms application when creating problem situations in practical classes at military universities of the VNG of Russia, in order to identify theoretical aspects of their effectiveness. The author suggested that one of the conditions of the officer's readiness for professional activity should be the ability to act and make decisions correctly in emergent critical situations. Analyzing the situational approach in pedagogical science, the author has revealed that the probability of a correct decision will be higher if during the training of cadets in practical classes the method of creating problem situations will be used. The application of this method will contribute to the activity and independence of thinking, which directly contributes to the effectiveness of their decision-making and the speed with which they perform their actions carrying out combat mission, under conditions when a similar situation arises again. The article presents the idea of developing a universal frame-algorithm of actions, as a methodical technique that can shorten time and simplify the system of professional training for creating a problem situation due to its universality, while its main advantage will be its ability to use it in conjunction with traditional teaching methods, and efficiency in its considerable intensification. As an example, a frame-algorithm was developed to train actions in situations of occurrence of technical malfunctions of the car cooling system. In conclusion, the author analyzes the thought process in the event of an identical (typical) situation arising in the course of the officer's professional activities, drawing attention to the fact that the expected effect will be the ability to assess the situation and make the right decision on which the lives of the subordinate personnel will depend.


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