Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Problems of Science and Education Integration in Military Specialist Preparation System

The article deals with the preparation system of the military specialists
of high qualification, problems of postgraduate education continuity on
the higher school levels and role of integration processes in science.

Students’ Patriotic Culture Formation

The article is devoted to the problem of students’ patriotic culture
formation during humanities learning process in the institute of higher
education. The author gives the analysis of the concept «patriotic
culture» as well as the system of its formation.


Проблемы стремительно глобализирующегося мира явля-
ются актуальной темой социально-философских исследова-
ний. Становление глобального общества риска, место и роль
цивилизаций в глобализирующемся мире, а также проблемы
бытия личности в современном социуме стали основными
объектами внимания и философского исследования на про-
шедшем 16 мая 2011 г. на философском факультете круглом
столе «Столкновение цивилизаций в глобальном обществе
риска». Круглый стол был организован кафедрой теоретиче-

The Research of Influence of Multimedia Teaching Technologies at the Effectiveness of the Didactic Process

Explored results of introduction in the scholastic process of school of multimedia technologies. Shown that as a result increases a level of motivation of self-education and qualitative didactic process factors. 

Military-Patriotic Training Essence and Peculiarities in Modern Conditions

The different levels of patriotism demonstration are discussed in the article. The attempt to define military-patriotic training essence and peculiarities of cadets in modern conditions are made, the training component structure is suggested. 

Development of Descriptive Principle in the History of Pedagogics

The paper considers evolution of main points of view on descriptive principle in the History of Pedagogics.


The Didactic Conditions Mastering of Scientific-Pedagogical Matters

The didactic conditions mastering of the conceptual scientificpedagogical knowledges by students are considered in this article. The conceptual dialectical thinking depends on conditions, such as: 1) availability of the modern pedagogical theories; 2) teacher s dialectical thinking; 3) positive motivation and the lessons intellectual background; 4) students perception character of the educational information at the lessons in the dialogue-regime; 5) students selfdependent creative activity.

The General Tendencies in International High Education in Global Educations Positions

Realization of the global strategic goals and tasks needs using of effective mechanisms in the educational system. Author grounds the necessity of the increase of technological potential of the education and using of technologies of distant education.

The Particularity of Development of Educating Teachers in the Saratov Region in the Nineteenth and the Beginning of the Twentieth Centuries

The article is about one of the most important problems in the system of the Russian Education in the nineteenth century - educating teachers. The development of educating teachers in the Saratov region in the nineteenth and in the beginning of the twentieth centuries is paid much attention. There were some educational establishments of the Saratov region last centuries in which teachers were prepared and were educated in the professional level. The basic aims and important tasks of the process of educating teachers in the Saratov region are indicated in the article.

The System Psychological Analysis of Professionalism of the Person in Scientific and Pedagogical Activity

The psychological analysis of professionalism in scientific and pedagogical activity is carried out in context of the system approach at three levies. The first is the subject where the teacher of the higher school acts as the subject. The second is activity describing specificity of scientific and pedagogical activity/ the third is structural functionality, revealing dynamic communications between separate subsystems of professionalism.
