Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


The Model of Inductive Thinking Development Learners at Language Schools

The article reveals the significance of inductive thinking development for language school learners and suggests its descriptive mode. The realization of the model is represented by the logics of its blocks. The effectiveness of the model is defined by the criteria and data demonstrating the degree of inductive thinking formation.

Components of Students Productive Generalizing Educational Activity

Analysis of components of students' productive generalizing educational activity is made in connection with each sphere of developing person. This analysis gave the opportunity to plan educational product, consisting of valuable orientations, productive generalization and experience of creative activity.

Features of the Organization of the Cadets Independent Work in Military Educational Establishments of the Higher Professional Training of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

On the basis of the features comparison of the independent works organization of students in high civil institutes and cadets VOU VPO the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is specified parameters of developed model of pedagogical management by militaryprofessional cadets self-development which is offered to realize into the educational process on Firing dill faculty of Saratov military institute the Internal Troops of Ministry of Internal Affairs.

About Technological Maintenance of Formation of Conflictological Competence of the Future Civil Servants

This article contains the definition and the analysis of the concept «pedagogical technology» on which basis the structure is defined and the maintenance of technology of formation conflictological competence is disclosed. Definition is made and the concept analysis «pedagogical technology» on which basis the structure is defined is carried out and the maintenance of technology of formation conflictological competence is opened.

The Individual in Modern Society : Life Strategies, Values, Risks (round table materials)

Междисциплинарные исследования весьма актуальной темы «Личность в пространстве рисков» в научном сообществе философов, психологов, педагогов Саратовского университета имеют свою предысторию. В сентябре 2008 г. был проведен «круглый стол» по теме «Личность в группах риска», где обсуждались философские и психологические проблемы рискогенного поведения личности, выдвигались разные модели групп риска, выяснялись соотношение коллективных и индивидуальных рисков, возможные сценарии управления ситуациями риска в малых группах.

Forming of Motivation in the Informative Computer Technology Using in Professional Military Activity of the Future Officers of the Internal Troops

The article deals with the experimental research problems of motivation forming. The author describes the usage of the informative computer technology in professional military activity of the future officers of the Internal Troops.

Analysis of Approaches to the Concept Educational Environment in the Scientific Thought of the 20th Century

In the article the main attention is paid to the analysis of approaches to understanding of category educational environment in the history of scientific thought of the 20th century. The research of literary sources showed that the notion educational environment studied by different scientific disciplines and doesn't have precise definition. The creation of «educational environment» in educational institution, studying its influence on the development of personality remains the actual problem of modern pedagogies.

Problems of the Graduates Professional Military Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Forming of the Military Educational Institutions of Higher Professional Training of Ministry of the Interior of Russian Federation

The author analyses the cadets' professional military training, based on the fundamental concepts of human psychophysiologic memory. The classification of professional skills from the point of view of their functional area and cognition activating grade has been represented. There have been investigated the correlation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the cadets' professional military training.

Pedagogical Innovations in a Context of Development of University Education

The article is devoted to one of the actual problems of modernization of university education in Russia. The ways of realization and effective introduction of innovative technologies of education are defined in it.
