Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)



Факультет философии и психологии СГУ выступил одним из организаторов международной научной конференции «Неокантианство немецкое и русское: от логики познания к “социальной педагогике”», которая проходила в Москве с 28 мая по 1 июня 2008г. Кроме нашего факультета организаторами стали также кафедра философии Московского государственного педагогического университета, редакция научно-теоретического журнала «Вопросы философии», Российсконемецкий дом в Москве и кафедра истории философии университета им. Мартина Лютера Галле – Виттенберг.

Emotional Stability as a Factor in Teaching

This article examines the state of scientific exploration and the main subjects concerning formation of emotional stability as a factor in teaching. The author notes the tendency to exaggerate the biological aspects of emotional stability and indicates the need for serious consideration of social conditions for human development.

Experimental Researches of Elements and Constants of Didactics

In clause results of experimental researches of elements and the constants of didactics described earlier in work of the author «Elementary didactics» are resulted. Speed of comprehension of the information, speed of mastering of new knowledge, the base constant representing the attitude of quantity of base knowledge to quantity of that it is supposed to master during training are carried to them, quantity of the characteristics forming an image, and an age threshold of training.

Projective Pedagogy as a Form of Orientation Competence of Students in the Modern School

The article deals with the problem of vocational guidance in the context of the competency approach. The problem discussed in the article is the possibility of project activities in the development of orientation competence.

Contemplation - Modern Scientific-Theoretical and Applied (Practical) Problem"

21 мая 2010 года в Самаре на базе факультета психологии Поволжской государственной социально-гуманитарной академии (ПГСГА) прошел Поволжский консолидирующий семинар «Созерцание ? современная научно-теоретическая и прикладная (практическая) проблема», посвященный памяти доцента кафедры общей и прикладной психологии ПГСГА Дмитрия Александровича Агапова (1955?2008).

Problems and Prospects of Social Psychology of Education

26?27 октября 2010 года на базе факультета педагогики, психологии и начального образования Педагогического института Саратовского государственного университета по инициативе кафедры психологии образования состоялась Международная научная конференция «Проблемы и перспективы социальной психологии образования», посвященная 105-летию со дня рождения доктора психологических наук профессора И.В. Страхова.

A Pedagogical System of Activating of the Process of Thinking and Speaking in High School Students

The paper states the necessity of creating a pedagogical system of activating the process of thinking and speaking of high school students. The proposed system consists of five components which provide the educational context for activating the process of thinking and speaking: a motivating goaloriented, a content-based socializing, an operational technological, a resultant diagnostic and a productive reflective components. Their phased implementation allows to direct, control and correct activating of the thinking and speaking processes of high school students.

Pedagogical Interaction in the Process of Teaching Methods Realization in the USA

Pedagogical interaction in the process of realization of teaching methods based on different theoretical and methodological foundations is considered in the article. The character of teaching methods used for realization of humanistic approach to a student is specified.

Using the Method of "Teaching Through Experience" in Teaching Primary School Students in "The Spirit Of Peace"

The problem of the shortage of teaching tolerance methodic in primary school is viewed. The method of teaching primary school students in «the spirit of peace» is offered. The exercises worked out on the base of the method of «Teaching through experience» are shown.

The Truth about the Lie

Lies can be seen as an attribute of life existing within social contexts. There are many types of lies determined by ethical and pragmatic criterions. Given is a short of analysis of psychological complexities of lying thought, including its structure and differences from truthful thought. References illustrate existing works related to investigating this infrequently discussed problem.
