Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Professionally – Oriented Ongoing Mathematical Education in «School – Technical University» System in Terms of Teaching Units Integration

The article is devoted to the study of the problem of professionallyoriented ongoing mathematical education in «school – technical University» system in terms of teaching units integration. The article gives the data of theoretically-methodological analysis of issue development degree; it examines the wholeness of professional training in terms of ongoing mathematical education. The system of ongoing education and its place in ongoing mathematical training is considered in the article.

On Quality of Training Bachelors and Post-graduate Students of Pedagogical Education (Mathematical Education)

The article notes a sharp drop in the level of general mathematical culture of school graduates, their mathematical illiteracy. The reforms of higher education carried out during the last quarter of the century, which led to a decline in the level of training of future teachers of mathematics for secondary schools (now called bachelors and masters of pedagogical education), contributed to this in no small measure.

Educational Environment: Socio-Cultural Aspect

The article analyzes the relationship between the concepts of educational space and the educational environment characterized by syncreticity, internal integrity, and attempts to determine the relationship of the educational environment with the establishment of the role of culture in education. Noting such trends in modern education as de-territorization, de-institutionalization, the author believes that there is an increasing need to activate the symbolic principle in the educational process.

Theoretical Problems of Modern Pedagogical Creativity

The theoretical problems of modern pedagogical creativity as integrative characteristics of its processes of “selfhood” are disclosed, among which system self-knowledge, creative self-determination, self-management, self-improvement and creative self-realization of the teacher’s personality in his professional and creative development are given as the essence of pedagogical creativity.

Effectiveness of Frame-Algorithms Application When Creating Problem Situations in Military Universities of the VNG of Russia

The article is devoted to the consideration of the effectiveness of frame algorithms application when creating problem situations in practical classes at military universities of the VNG of Russia, in order to identify theoretical aspects of their effectiveness. The author suggested that one of the conditions of the officer's readiness for professional activity should be the ability to act and make decisions correctly in emergent critical situations.

Contextual Preparation and Certification of Rescuers in Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia

The article is devoted to the actual problem of training cadets of departmental educational organizations of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia for professional activities in the field of emergency rescue operations. Monitoring the quality of training graduates in practical fire and rescue units of the State Fire Service EMERCOM of Russia reveals a number of problems related to the level of their practical training.

Modern Problems of Quality Management Systems Functioning in Higher Education Institutions

The article is devoted to the relevance of the quality management system availability in higher educational institutions. The authors consider the issues connected with the influence of higher education institution positioning in the educational system on the set of basic processes. Connection of the purpose of strategic development of a higher educational institution with a set of processes of its activity is emphasized.

Changes of Marine Education Content in Connection with Military Reforms in Russia in the 1860s-70s

The period of the second half of the 19th century is described as the period of significant changes in almost all spheres of social and political life. The reforms of 1860-70es stimulated capitalist relationship, fortifying the defensive potential of the state and influencing directly the change of military educational concept. Thus, the article examines the influence of political and military reformations of the 1860–70ies on the development of marine education in Russia.

Professional Success of a Teacher: A Theoretical Analysis of the Concept and Development Opportunities in the System of Additional Professional Pedagogical Education

The article is devoted to the consideration of the problem of professional success of the teacher. The urgency of the problem is determined by the specifics and trends in the development of the socio-professional space, which requires from the teacher to be ready to actualize personal and professional advantages in the conditions of the modern socio-cultural environment and in accordance with the requirements imposed on the teacher’s professional functionality.

To Teach Logic to Prospective Mathematics Teachers (part I)

The article discusses the problem of formation of logical competences of future mathematics teachers both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. In this case, the logic is considered in three aspects – classical Aristotelian logic, modern mathematical logic and its application to Aristotelian logic, non-classical logics.
