Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Main (Grundfrage) and leading (Leitfrage) questions about being: Claim for ancient understanding

The article is devoted to the question of being in Heidegger’s fundamental ontology, namely, his claim to understand the ancient idea of being. In his work “Contributions to Philosophy (From Enowning)”, Heidegger distinguishes between the understanding of being as the being of everything that exists and his own understanding of being as such, out of connection with things. He calls the first point the “leading question” and attributes its authorship to Aristotle, the second one – “the main question”.

Philosophical foundation of the peculiarities of social technologies in a social policy area

Socio-philosophical content of the term “social policy”, its difference from the definition of “political economics” and also some features of technologies in a social area are described and analyzed in the article. The author distinguishes between the concepts of “labor” and “social labor activity” (deiatel’nost’). Using the concept of philosophy of a name developed by A. F. Losev, the definition of the "ideal" (“ideal’noe”) considered by E. V. Il’enkov, and A. V.

Genesis of Russian religious philosophy of the Slavophiles A. S. Khomyakov and I. V. Kireevsky

The article is devoted to the philosophical, religious and world views of A. S. Khomyakov and I. V. Kireevsky. Based on the analysis of the authors’ creative and epistolary heritage, the authors show the ambiguity of their judgment from the point of view of Orthodox theology. The hermeneutic method allowed the author to analyze the primary sources of A. S. Khomyakov and I. V. Kireevsky, their contemporaries and followers from the point of view of Orthodox theology to determine the degree of their compliance with Orthodox doctrine.

Study of religious traditions as a factor in ensuring the secular nature of culture and education

This paper examines the dialogue and mutual influence of secular and religious culture in the system of secular education from two points of view: firstly, the influence of teaching knowledge about religion on the implementation of the secular nature of education and, secondly, the impact of the need to comply with state educational standards on the form of presentation of religious culture.

St. John’s theorem

The article analyzes the spiritual-mystical components underlying speech, language and self-consciousness of a person. The research is carried out on the basis of an interdisciplinary scientific approach. The main attention is focused on the prologue of St. John, considered as a scientific theorem that paves the way for solving the problem of the existence of language and human self-consciousness.

Historical-philosophical views of V. I. Zasulich (On the example of the work “Jean-Jacques Rousseau. The experience of characteristics of his social ideas”)

The article is devoted to the work of the Russian revolutionary, writer and Marxist theorist V. I. Zasulich. The subject of consideration is the historical and philosophical views of the thinker, which are analyzed on the basis of her study devoted to the work of J.-J. Rousseau – “Jean-Jacques Rousseau. The experience of characteristics of his social ideas”, which previously remained almost without the attention of researchers. The purpose of the work is to analyze the basic principles of the approach of V. I.

The concept of creativity in the problem field of modern social philosophy

This paper speaks of the growing interest in the category of creativity among the scientific community of interdisciplinary discourse, and the place of creativity among philosophical disciplines. Creativity as a property of the social environment is characteristic of the type of society in which traditions have not managed to become a universal form of behavior, prompting the subjects of society to permanently reflect on habitual patterns of behavior, the production of unique forms, and the original synthesis of previously known ideas and social practices.

Modern socio-cultural communications: Transformations in the digital age

The article deals with the problem of transformation of modern communication processes caused by the formation of a new digital society and its influence on all aspects of social and cultural life. Communication becomes diverse, rhizomatically branched, offering an interweaving of channels and means of communication, a multivariate effectiveness and a change in the actual communicants, communication actors. It is noted that long-term social ties cease to be dominant. A qualitatively new environment, called the media space, lays down a new format of communication.

Marxism as a part of the androcentric tradition: The feminist superstructure and the androcentric base

Androcentrism continues to be the basis for modern thinking, and the comprehension of its manifestations in the philosophical tradition appears to be a necessary step to change this situation. The purpose of this work is to analyze the theory of K. Marx for its androcentrism, to identify its significant provisions based on it. The analysis is built around testing how the “general” statements of Marx reflect women’s experience, how they are woven into the whole of the theory and how much they are substantiated by it.

Daily reality as a relevant form of life

The article focuses on the phenomenon of daily reality as an element of public life. The author analyses the principles this notion is based on. Daily reality is a mode that states the authenticity of a man’s being. The premises which have led to the necessity of the notion’s study are defined, the latter being a fundamental rethinking of rationality’s role as a method to figure out where a man’s place in the world is.
