Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Two preachings on Lazarus Saturday: The moral dimension of friendship according to Saint Justin (Polyansky) and Saint Innocent of Kherson

Introduction. The article is devoted to the concept of friendship in Christian ethics. The author analyses the idea of friendship and its moral aspect in two previously underexamined in Russian theology sermons of Saint Justin (Polyansky) and Saint Innocent of Kherson on Lazarus Saturday. Theoretical analysis. The research allows us to make the following conclusions.

Coincidentia oppositorum as a particular way of thinking and life of a theologian

Introduction. The acquisition of scientific status by theology requires the theological community to introduce a special thesaurus into scientific circulation, as well as to develop the methodology of theology itself. In this connection we consider it expedient to turn to comprehension of Coincidentia oppositorum which will promote the expansion of theological vocabulary, paying special attention to the principle of combining opposites in theological research and formation of a special type of dialectical thinking, inherent to a theologian.

The practice of perceiving space and time from an existential-phenomenological perspective

Introduction. In contemporary philosophy there is an emerging interest in space and time in relation to the existential-phenomenological tradition. Theoretical analysis. The article analyses some modern approaches to the problem of space and time in the context of the above-mentioned methodology, as well as those approaches that either stand in opposition to the phenomenological tradition or try to form the related understanding of the problem.

Science and power in the political philosophy of F. Bacon: From reformism towards social criticism

Introduction. The paper gives the analysis of the development of Bacon’s views on the problem of the interrelations between science and the state power. Theoretical analysis. The initial period of this development was linked to Bacon’s attempts of obtaining privileged position in the court circles during Elizabethan reign.

Mathematics and physical reality: The theme of the absence of the “Transcendental Signifi ed” in the language of modern fundamental science

Introduction. It is argued that today the expansion of mathematics into the field of physical reality is not being performed in line with the classical paradigm, but in line with the linguistic turn of non-classical philosophy. Theoretical analysis. Such aspect of nature’s “non-fittability” into the conceptual network of mathematics as the problem of asymmetry is explored. It is stated that the world, constructed according to the logic of ideal mathematical symmetries, passes into a state called unmanifested in Hinduism.

Medicalization of the educational process: Stating the problem

Introduction. The spread of medical theories and practices to various spheres of society is becoming a significant factor in the development of society. In the scientific literature this phenomenon is called medicalization. The essence, causes and consequences of medicalization are comprehended in philosophical and bioethical discourses. Medicalized practices are also being introduced into the process of education. Theoretical analysis.

Comprehension of the historical process in the theological heritage of Origen of Alexandria

Introduction. Origen of Alexandria is a large Christian thinker who worked in line with the philosophy of Platonism, Neoplatonism and the emerging Christian tradition. He is a significant figure, both in Christian theology and in the history of philosophy, who especially strongly influenced the medieval period of the development of philosophical thought. Although the theologian did not leave an integral historical concept, he constantly addressed the problem of history in his numerous works.

The mythology of technologies in Russian legal discourse: Analytics of normative regulation in the fi eld of artifi cial intelligence

Introduction. The intensification of technological progress in the modern world has led to the emergence of various discourses related to the capabilities of artificial intelligence systems. This process was accompanied by the creation of a technological myth that continues to take root in the digital space at the present time. Theoretical analysis. Technological myth reveals the cultural context from which it is formed, shows secondary meanings and connotations (R. Barth), performs a predictive function.

Religious-mystical experience and the psychoanalytic tradition

Introduction. The purpose of the article is to consider the specifics of the approach to religious and mystical experience in the psychoanalytic tradition from the point of view of revealing the degree of its interdisciplinarity. Theoretical analysis.

The dialectics of platformization

Introduction. In the presented article the analysis of the phenomenon of platformization with the use of the dialectical method was carried out. Theoretical analysis.The premise of platformization is the identity of the idea and the business model, as well as value and cost. The starting point for the movement of the idea of platformization is the request (of the subject to the platform and back), inseparably connected with its opposite – the access.
