Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


The Substantial and Communicative Models of Sociality: the Comparative Analysis

The article provides discussion of substantial and communicative models of sociality. The author notes that each of these models describes only one aspect of the social being. That’s why there is a need of searching of new models of sociality. The theory of institutional matrices is one of such models. 

Daily Life as a Basis of Institutionalization of Society

Daily life is considered as a fundamental component of the institutionalization process. The influences of such components as life experience, common sense, norms, and values on the formation of social interaction norms are analyzed. 

Social Memory as Modernization Resource: Top Wasps of the Past in the Russian Political Landscape

Article is devoted to the question of use of social memory as the main resource of the modernization processes proceeding in modern Russia. The author analyzes actual strategy of the appeal to the past, coming to a conclusion that the Russian modernization is characterized by the special political and sociocultural goals, is cardinal not similar to reference points of «catching-up modernization».

Sociocultural Space of a Small town: Studying Experience of Buzuluk Mind Maps

The article deals with the problem of the sociocultural specific of a small town Buzuluk located on the border of Orenburg and Samara regions. The author describes an actual technique of mind maps which allows to  reproduce and structure sociocultural space of the town and significant space of the personality in it through fixing of physical objects.

Values of the Personality in Social and Ontologic Aspects

The concept of value has an exclusive importance for the analysis of personal life and in studying of social processes and changes. Structural levels of personal life which act as the basis for allocation of the main groups of values are considered.

Power and Communication Strategy in a Modernizing Society: in Conditions of Risks

The article analyzes the communication strategies of the authorities in the conditions of modernization of the society. Communication is the base of modernization. We should speak about decision-making and consensus models in the conditions of growing riskogenicity changes.

Symbolic Nature of Consciousness in the Aspect of Creativity

The article deals with the problem of the essential characteristics of consciousness. It is impossible to comprehend the premise of creativity without understanding that. Consciousness can be represented only in the context of potential. The activity of consciousness is a new qualitative state of mind which is defined as thinking. As a result, consciousness can be defined only by the symbol.

The Problem of the Nature of «Self» in Russian Philosophy

In article the concepts of «self», stated in works of N. Lossky, S. Franc and L. Lopatin are critically considered. Arguments against the idea of transcendence of «self» in relation to the phenomenal content of the consciousness, contained in N. Lossky and S. Frank’s works, are stated. The position of L. Lopatin, assuming immanence of the «self» to consciousness contents, is supported.

The Basic Principle of Historiography in Deleuze` and Guattari’s Materialistic Psychiatry

The article deals with problems of methodology of historical investigation, concept of historical time and characteristic of historical process in Deleuze’ and Guattari’s materialistic psychiatry.

Philosophical Process in Russia and China аt the Turn of XXI Century

The article discusses the problem of the worldview foundations of intercultural dialogue between Russia and China at the turn of XXI century. The author analyzes the dynamic of development of philosophical processes in Russia and China at the beginning of XXI century. The article is focused at the omnidirectional vectors of various trends that appear in the continuum of philosophical cultures of these countries.
