Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Теократия как модель государства в философии В.С. Соловьева

Целью проведенного исследования является анализ концепции свободной теократии В.С. Соловьева. На примере программных произведений мыслителя: «История и будущность теократии», «Русская идея», «Духовные основы жизни», рассматривается модель направленности исторического процесса, а также идеального общественного устройства предложенная философом. Данная модель, по мнению В.С. Соловьева, могла бы положить конец межнациональным и межгосударственным конфликтам в Европе, а следом за ней и во всем мире, через восстановление утраченного послушания перед Богом.

Авангард в России: путь Малевича

Статья посвящена углубленному анализу концепции супрематизма, выявлению его значимой роли в переосмыслении художественного языка и форм выражения в искусстве, а также творчеству Казимира Малевича. Целью работы является детальное исследование супрематизма как метода познания, освобождающего внутреннюю идею от материального объекта. Рассматривается проблема упадка традиционных художественных форм и поиск нового языка в искусстве в условиях культурной агонии и социальных изменений начала XX века.

“The most important of all arts”: Film images of the Soviet past in the Russian myth-making practice

Introduction. The article investigates the specifics of cinematic images of the USSR in Russian myth-making practice. The main objective of the study is to analyze the impact of images of the Soviet past, created and broadcast by post-Soviet cinema, on the formation of historical memory about the USSR. Theoretical analysis. The study is based on the hypothesis that cinema is one of the significant aspects of myth-making, which directly participates in the construction of collective representations of the past.

How ideologists define ideology: A. G. Dugin

Introduction. Ideology as a category of political philosophy in a digital society cannot be defined neutrally and autonomously from the activities of its defining subject. Theoretical analysis. Using the example of a specific system of views, the authors show the inevitability of the ideological character and the ideological bias of the concept of ideology. Considering A. G.

Russian civilization: Worldview and ideological

Introduction. The article examines the theoretical aspects of the relationship between the concepts of civilization, ideology, and worldview. The ideological aspects of the civilizational analysis of society are shown. Theoretical analysis. The article argues for the methodological and theoretical possibility of creating a new concept of civilizational development and proposes the option of mutual complementarity of the stadial and cyclic models of the civilizational process.

Russian Pilgrimage in the system of cultural and anthropological code

Introducton. The article examines the social institution of pilgrimage as a phenomenon of the Russian cultural code in its evolution and formation of the tradition of social practice. Theoretical analysis. The author uses both the methodology of cultural research and the approaches of the sociology of knowledge, philosophical-anthropological and civilizational analysis for a holistic understanding of the wandering phenomenon.

The social philosophy of German romanticism

Introducton. The article is devoted to the analysis of German Romanticism through a social philosophical examination of its origin, features and methodological foundations in the historical and cultural context. Theoretical analysis. It is proposed to consider the analysis and methodology of German Romanticism using the philosophical method of genealogy. The genealogical procedure is heterogeneous in its essence, since it involves the identification of the duality of the beginning, the source of sociality.

Imagination as a meta-subject in the methodology of a thought experiment

Introduction. The paper claims that each thought experiment, despite of its particular subject, reveals the general principles of the work of the imagination – these are elements of the transcendental scheme, which I. Kant controversially defines as pure representation, that is both intellectual and sensory. In this sense, imagination is the meta-subject of a thought experiment. Theoretical analysis. With the help of thought experiments operating marginal subjects, the necessary synthesis schemes related to fundamental concepts are clarified.

Patriotism as an ethical and social phenomenon in the Confucian treatise Kunzi Jia Yu

Introduction. This article makes an attempt to analyze patriotism as an ethical and social phenomenon. The subject of the study is the content of the ancient philosophical treatise Kunzi Jia Yu (Speeches of the School of Confucius), which is attributed as a Confucian text. Theoretical analysis. The basis for the development of patriotism in Kunzi Jia Yu is the Confucian virtues: filial piety, love for mankind, devotion, etc.

Проблема "Я" в философии Фридриха Ницше

Введение. В области философского постижения человека Ф. Ницше стоит особняком: во-первых, он отверг идеи классической антропологии, превозносящие разум человека; во-вторых, опровергая концепцию «Я» как самотождественную идентичность, Ницше открыл горизонт постклассического дискурса в обсуждении проблемы соотношения сознания и тела, которые до сих пор пользуются популярностью в когнитивных науках. Теоретический анализ.
