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Ustyantsev V. B., Frolova S. M., Yasakova G. V. The mythological image of Peter I in the context of social memory: From the historical image to the mythological one. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2025, vol. 25, iss. 1, pp. 4-13. DOI: 10.18500/1819-7671-2025-25-1-4-13, EDN: BNCHOQ
The mythological image of Peter I in the context of social memory: From the historical image to the mythological one
Introduction. The authors of the article attempt to identify the mechanisms of formation of the mythological image of Peter I and the patterns of this process; the causes and patterns of manifestation of the relationship between the historical image of Peter I and his mythological images are investigated, as well as the analysis of interpretations of the image of Peter I is carried out, and the peculiarities of perception of mythological images of Peter I are determined. Theoretical analysis. In the work the method of social philosophy – reflection, the method of reconstruction, historical and comparative approaches and the hermeneutic method were used. When studying the issue of the correlation of social memory with the mythological projection of the historical image of Peter I, one of the main approaches to the study of social memory was applied – the study of images of the past, the basis for which is the fact that memory is inherently figurative. Conclusion. The study of the causes and patterns of the manifestation of the relationship between the historical image of Peter I and his mythological images, as well as the analysis of interpretations of the image of Peter I, allow us to draw conclusions about the impact of mythological images of Peter I on the process of selfidentification of the people, on the correlation of identity and the formation of a value system.
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