Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


The problem of eligibility criteria in biomedical experiment: Philosophical and methodological analysis

Introduction. The formation and development of modern evidence-based medicine is not possible without clinical studies with the participation of humans as subjects. The methodology of such experiments is based on careful selection of subjects based on the so-called eligibility criteria – parameters which form the optimal patient group for studying the therapeutic properties of a particular drug based on the science community’s expectations.

Escapism as a subject of philosophical reflection

Introduction. Technological transformations and the expanding processes of digitalisation, which have encompassed the space of an individual and social life, have given a new meaning to escapism as a form of existence and behavioural strategy. Virtual practices have become the most important component of life and activity of an individual and have created conditions that have strengthened escapist tendencies and moods. Theoretical analysis.

The methodology of harmonic convergence for the worldview of universalism

Introduction. The article is devoted to methodological issues of the formation of the worldview of universalism, excluding the reduction of the one, the whole, many and a part to each other. Limited, one-sided types of worldviews of holism, merism and the genological type allow such a reduction, excluding the choice of optimal, sustainable co-development of nature, society and a man. Theoretical analysis.

Integration of islamic philosophical and legal aspects into the paradigm of social and economic development of Russia

. Introduction. The article examines the social transformation of state-confessional relations, its historical aspect, positive and negative trends of their evolution in the conditions of the formation of modern Russian society. The object of the study was the socio-philosophical aspects of some provisions of the economic model based on the principles of Islam as one of the traditional denominations of the Russian Federation. Theoretical analysis.

Changing aesthetic ideals under the influence of the phenomenon of the cult of youth in the 1920s

Introduction. The principle of aesthetic transformation affects not only the functioning of fashion, but also a range of problems related to the worldview and world perception of a person, which are relevant for any time. Aesthetic problems have a deeper foundation than the change of images of vestimentary fashion, and lie in the sphere of social and cultural life of society. Theoretical analysis.

Digital identity as a condition of human existence in a digital society

Introduction. The article is devoted to the problem of digital identity. The development of the information society and digitalization processes poses to each Internet user the challenge of matching the digital profile to its real owner. There is often a big difference between a real person and his digital avatars, which leads not only to confusion and ambiguous perception of the narrator and the author by the other, but also to depersonalization of the author. Theoretical analysis.

Transdisciplinarity of modern science as a form of social consensus

Introduction. Transdisciplinarity can be reinterpreted from a scientific and philosophical category to a socio-philosophical one by referring to the theoretical constructions of social consensus. In this case, its general social functions are emphasized, which are the social and communication effect of transdisciplinary interactions between science and society. Theoretical analysis. The socio-philosophical analysis of transdisciplinarity is formed in the field of categories of sociality, time, object, truth and values.

Transdisciplinarity in the problematic fi eld of social philosophy: “An exchange zone” vs “a socio-epistemic arena”

Introduction. Transdisciplinarity as a fundamental characteristic of hybrid informal knowledge specific to a digital society can be explicated in the problematic field of social philosophy. Theoretical analysis. The main categorical explication of transdisciplinarity is the comparison of the concepts of an exchange zone and socio-epistemic arenas. The first is defined by the categorical series of the philosophy of science, the second is a socio-philosophical construct.

Øystein Linnebo’s “Thin” objects: The problem of reference

Introduction. The introduction formulates the problem of abstract objects for the philosophy of mathematics, epistemology, and metaphysics. Special attention is paid to the problem of reference. Theoretical analysis. The first section examines Linnebo’s proposed concept of abstract objects as “thin” i.e., not imposing substantial demands on the world. The second section is devoted to the criteria of identity as a special tool for introducing abstract objects into discourse.

Стрела Зенона - летит! (решение апории)

Все сущее пребывает в движении. Летит в пространстве, растет или сокращается, излучает или поглощает – видов движения много. Это известно всем. Но что такое движение? Что оно представляет собой? Этого не знает никто. Подтверждением этому является, в частности, тот факт, что даже такой простой вид движения, как полет стрелы, за 2,5 тысячи лет попыток решения апории Зенона, так и нашел объяснения. Что служит причиной столь поразительной беспомощности науки? Всякое движение – событие диалектическое.
