For citation:
Salov P. Y. A personal and social ideal according to the Teachings of St. Abba Dorotheus. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2024, vol. 24, iss. 2, pp. 167-171. DOI: 10.18500/1819-7671-2024-24-2-167-171, EDN: FXYZZM
A personal and social ideal according to the Teachings of St. Abba Dorotheus
Introduction. Christianity, which developed in special historical conditions on the territory of Byzantine Gaza, gradually formed a unique school of spiritual mentoring in the region, associated with the names of outstanding ascetics. At the same time, a regional ascetic literary tradition was developed. Theoretical analysis. Dorotheus of Gaza, an outstanding Christian teacher of the early Byzantine period, formulates his own critical view of contemporary social norms, human nature and the causes of human vices, contrasting them with the lifestyle of a Christian ascetic. Abba Dorotheus pays considerable attention to the psychology of spiritual development and the struggle with the passions. This article examines and summarizes the main motives in the teachings of Abba Dorotheus, through which he defines the personal and social ideal of Christian asceticism. Conclusions. It is concluded that the teachings of the saint Dorotheus of Gaza are aimed at the formation of not only a personal, but also a social ideal, and monasticism, as interpreted by Abba Dorotheus, is not an anti-social movement, but should contribute to the formation of a new, just community based on the principles of communitarianism and liturgical unity. It is emphasized that achieving this goal does not imply political, military or intellectual confrontation with the outside world.
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