Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Chernyshevsky and Napoleon III

Introduction. The image of Napoleon III in philosophical thinking of Chernyshevsky is important for the characterization of ideological struggle in the nineteenth century. Theoretical analysis. From his student years, Chernyshevsky followed the political career of Louis Bonaparte, noted his successes and personal traits. During the Second Empire in France, Chernyshevsky criticized Bonapartism, put forward an explanation of the reasons for its temporary triumph.

The life path of a personality: The experience of socio-philosophical conceptualization

Introduction. The purpose of the study is to carry out a socio-philosophical analysis of the scientific heritage of researchers of the concept of the “life path of a personality”, to systematize the material, as well as to create a foundation for a socio-philosophical understanding of this category. Theoretical analysis. The article identifies three dimensions through which the concept under study is presented: everyday, artistic and scientific. Their specificity is determined, as well as the existing difficulties in their relationship.

The question of the qualitative definiteness of the bit in the natural and artificial intelligence

Introduction. Advances in digital technology lead to the tendency to adjust the modern education system under the algorithms of artificial intelligence. In this regard the special relevance is acquired by a research of those aspects of human thinking which are not amenable to modeling in artificial intelligence systems. Theoretical analysis. In the concepts of the XX–XXI centuries eidos is transformed into a dynamic pattern.

The correlation between freedom and violence as one of the fundamental problems of thinking

Introduction Themain topic of this article is the method of solving a fundamental problem of the relationship between a man and the world. The author proposes to accept the concepts of violence and freedom as such horizons of relations, because these concepts can be understood as main plots of human conscious life. They also may be the sides of the dialectical confrontation. The present study uses the onto-hermeneutic method combined with a historico-philosophical analysis.

Ontology of declaration: Towards the characteristics of modern philosophy

Introduction. The article is devoted to consideration of the state of modern ontological thought. It is no coincidence that after Heidegger there is virtually no systematic consideration of the concept of being in philosophy. Does this mean that the problem of being has lost its relevance? Or does this indicate that the concept of being continues (albeit in a negative way) to determine the face of modern philosophy?

The phenomenon of "symbiosis" of the state and Islamic organizations in modern Indonesia

Introduction. The article is devoted to the phenomenon of symbiosis of the state apparatus of the Republic of Indonesia and Islam. Theoretical analysis. Throughout its independence from 1949 to the present, the State power and Islamic religious organizations have been in close symbiosis. The article highlights three stages in relation to Islam and the state. Empirical analysis. The first stage was the subordination of Islam to the state apparatus from 1975 to 1997.

Megatrends and mythologems of artificial intelligence topics in Western scientific discourse

Introduction. For fifty years, the topic of artificial intelligence has remained leading within a wide range of scientific fields. Theoretical analysis. Preliminary analysis of the Scopus database results from a rating of publication activity, in which social sciences occupy insider positions along with computer sciences and some other areas. From the 60s of the past century to the present, there has been an exponential growth of scientific publications containing the label “artificial intelligence” in titles, abstracts and keywords.

The civilizational basis of the beingness of an institutional person

Introduction. Atheistic literature insists that religious faith owes its origin to human ignorance. In its turn, this ‘ignorance’ of a person is closely connected with the ontological foundations of an institutional person determining the civilizational basis of his or her beingness. Theoretical analysis. Overcoming intellectual limitation the study of the ontological foundations of the formation of social being is now acquiring important scientific and socio-political signifi cance in the development of social space.

Categorical analysis of the museum phenomenon: Space and time

Introduction. The museum provides society with the opportunity for special interaction with space and time for the purposes of acquiring knowledge and the most complete assimilation of codes existing in culture and society. Theoretical analysis. Society’s perception of space and time in the museum will be examined and analyzed from the perspective of myth, which makes it possible to identify archetypal ideas of humanity that developed in ancient times and have largely not lost their infl uence on modern culture and society.

СОЗНАНИЕ И САМОСОЗНАНИЕ: от дефиниций и гипотез – к умозаключениям и алгоритмам.

Точное определение местопребывания индивидуального "я" имеет для науки, как, впрочем, и вообще для судеб человечества, поистине непереоценимое значение. Ведь от самой по себе локализации можно, соответственно, прямиком переходить к особенностям его функционирования; а это, в свою очередь, уж наверняка должно помочь в разрешении глобальных общефилософских проблем жизни и смерти, сопряженных с извечными, но безуспешными пока поисками смысла нашего земного бытия.
