Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Formation of Secular Society: Social and Philosophical Bases of Research

In article the conceptual bases of research of process of a secularization are considered, in particular, it is specified that Max Weber connects for the first time a secularization with modernization processes in the European society, and also with magic movement to rationality. Identification of consequences of a secularization is an actual problem of social and philosophical thought.

Theoretical and Methodological Grounds of Sport Activity Research

Author considers that it is impossible to describe sport activity sufficiently within the approaches used in studying physical culture traditionally. Author suggests a humanitarian view on sport. It means researching in sport and sport activity from a position of sense. The method of studying sport from sense position, analyzing of its value content allows considering the nature of sport more deeply.

Fatherhood as a Problem of Social Philosophy

The paper studies fatherhood as a problem of social philosophy, viewed through the realization of the social and historic circumstances and peculiarities of fathers and children’s relations building. Philosophic analyses of the category brings to the surface the sources of fatherhood based in the human social existence. The analyses reveals a specific way of fatherhood institution transformation in Russia and gives reasons for it’s crisis in the context of the social risky power environment.

«Mirror Metamorphoses» in Comparative Phenomenology of Clarification of Mind

Article is devoted the comparative analysis of phenomenological experience of «pure consciousness» in various traditions, as sacral, and деsаcranunted. Various updatings of symbolics of a mirror in which result similar receptions «mind clarifications» in phenomenological experience of different traditions are compared. Specificity of experience of Orthodoxy in its relation to mirror symbolics is considered. 

Philosophical-Methodological Approaches to the Analysis of Co-Operation of Different Public Consciousness Forms

In the article genesis of public consciousness is presented as the motion from primary sinkretichnost through differentiation and polarization to the prospects of spirit forms’ integration. Research of public consciousness forms co-operation is possible within the framework of methodological approaches, based both on separate philosophical conceptions and studies and on general methodologies of scientific-cognitive activity.

The Value Basis of the Society of Symbolic Consumption

The article is dedicated to consideration of values in a society of symbolic consumption. Changes in all spheres of society forces people to think about the value basis of their own life. The ethics of hoarding is replaced by the ethics of squandering, and it happens because of the spread of symbolic consumption. Symbolic consumption interacts with the moral sphere of social consciousness, creating new value structure. Therefore we must search personal identity in the space of a society.

Deflationism, Contextuality and the Theory of Reference

The paper deals with deflationary theories of reference, that is with the study of the relationship between such concepts as truth, meaning, reference, and contextuality. The paper analyzes the key deflationary theory of reference – P. Horwich's and A. Bave's theories. The result shows that the deflationary theory of reference can be formulated in accordance with the principle of contextuality (using the notion of disposition).

The Problem of Cognition: Evolutionary Approach

The article deals with considering the problem of cognition offered by evolutionary epistemology, evolutionary cognition theory and the constructive ideas of Santiago cognition theory. Analysis of these conceptions shows that the world is revealed through the subject of cognitions and from this point of view cognition and existence are identical.

True and Secrecy: the Four Aspects of Greek Aletheia

This article analyzes the Greek concept of truth. The truth is conceptualized as a phenomenon belonging to the sphere of hidden and secrecy. The essential relationship of the true and hidden (false) can be determined by analysis of four aspects of the value ? ??????. On this basis, the interpretation of the sayings of Heraclitus «secret harmony better than explicit» is interpreted.

Strategy of a Policy of Memory on Postimperial Space

Article is devoted transformation of social memory in the conditions of the post-Soviet territory. Specificity of the post-Soviet territory is designing of alternative types of the social memory meaningly opposed to the Soviet past. On the basis of the spatial analysis of social memory presented in works by P. Nora, and P. Burde’s structuralist methodology the author considers change of a symbolical configuration of the post-Soviet territory in which peripheral types of social memory take a dominating place.
