Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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The eventuality of human philosophy in the risk society

Lomako Olga М., Saratov State University

Introduction. The article is devoted to the analysis of the eventuality of philosophy in the risk society through the anthropological consideration of the concepts of uncertainty, possibility, unpredictability, infi nity. The main diffi culty in risk analysis is that risk lies between rational and irrational, between certainty and uncertainty, between possibility and reality. Theoretical analysis. We are talking about the need for philosophical conceptualization of concepts, since the relations of definitions act as social and anthropological relations. The eventuality of the philosophy of risk in its semantic and temporal dimensions is analyzed. The unity of the concepts of eventuality, risk, society and time in their socio-historical transformation is considered. Risk and time are inextricably linked phenomena, which implies, along with the consideration of the semantics of risk, the analysis of the semantics of time. The paradoxical nature of risk is revealed. It has a temporal character and is defi ned as the foresight of the unpredictable and the refl exivity of the unknown. In risk there is a break in the continuum of rationality. The methodological basis of the article is socio-philosophical, philosophical-anthropological, riskological and historical-philosophical approaches to the study of the problem of a person in the risk society. Conclusions. It is concluded that the eventuality of human philosophy is revealed through the refl exivity of time, which in the risk society becomes an acceptable danger of temporal negativity of the possible – in action and in thinking.

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