Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


S. L. Frank: The dialectic of sobornost

The concept of sobornost in the philosophy of S.L. Frank is considered on the basis of a dialectical approach. Sobornost is revealed in the “dialectic of inseparable-unmerged” bi-unity, the divine-humanity of a man in social reality from abstract forms to its concrete expression, each stage reached qualitatively or categorically changes our being, making up for our potentiality with partial relevance.

Chronohacking: Between a thought experiment and deviations of digital solutions

The article deals with the phenomenon of chronohacking, hacking of time in different modes of digital temporality. The author considers chronohacking as a result of the expansion of biohacking practices of civil science into neuroscience. Methodological basis of the study is the STS paradigm, the working approach is the Laturnian actor-network theory, which allows to fi x a variety of networks of actors formed due to various ways of measuring time.

The role of consciousness in evolutionary history: An epiphenomenon or a decisive adaptive factor in natural selection

The article is devoted to the analysis of the opinion widespread in the scientifi c community about the decisive adaptive role of consciousness in the process of natural selection. Hypotheses about the functions of consciousness as a central element of the information processing mechanism and the development of a control eff ect on the behavior of the organism are considered.

The figure of Aristotle in the domestic intellectual atmosphere of the 19th century

A researcher dealing with the topic of the presence of Aristotle’s philosophy in the modern Russian space of the humanities is faced with the task of comprehending the origins of the attitude towards Aristotle in the history of Russian science. Aristotle in Russia, unlike Europe, is represented in a rather limited way, and even where he is present, modern Russian philosophy uses a rather narrow layer of thought from his heritage.

Secular and religious aspects of modern culture: A socio-philosophical and theological analysis

In the presented study, the relationship between the Church and the culture of the peoples being nourished is examined from the standpoint of theological and socio-philosophical analysis. It is revealed that the centuries-old mutual infl uence of church and national-cultural traditions has led to the fact that the understanding of the national culture by its bearer is impossible without referring to the Christian faith as the basis of this culture.

Global in the discourse of metamodernism: The problem of origins

The article examines the representation of the global phenomenon in the discourses of modernity and metamodernity. In the domestic reception, metamodernism is often represented as post-postmodernism. A significant discrepancy in assessments of a fairly integral phenomenon of modern philosophy of culture, which is metamodernism, can be explained. The methodological guidelines of metamodernism are still in development.

Modernizing education in the post-secular world

Introduciton. This article examines the main directions of modernization of the institution of education in a post-secular society; socio-philosophical analysis of the transformations of modern education is carried out at various levels of its institutionalization: educational and methodological, organizational and managerial, communicative, value-semantic, etc. Theoretical analysis.

How cinema changes social reality: The social impact entertainment

Introduction.The article deals with the analysis of media concepts that describe, justify and reinforce the social infl uence of the fi lm content. Cinema can change not only social psychology, but directly determine social action, just as advertising determines consumer behavior. Theoretical analysis. The author examines the theoretical and practical origins of the concept of “social impact entertainment”, starting with the theoretical generalizations of M.

Reconstruction of the temporal foundations of everyday thinking in phenomenological sociology of A. Schutz

Introduction.The article is aimed at identifying the problematic place of temporal foundations of everyday life, formulated in the framework of phenomenological sociology. The concept of everyday life outlined by A. Schutz is based on the conceptual provisions of E. Husserl’s philosophy about the inner consciousness of time and A. Bergson, who distinguished the refl exive self and the vital unity of conscious processes.

Plato’s «soteriology» in the context of classical yoga

Introduction. In the article, the connection between the «soteriological» aspects of philosophy of Plato and the principles of classical yoga presented in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is considered in the framework of the comparative methodology. The aim of the study is to establish conceptual parallels in the approaches of Plato and classical yoga to solving the issue of the form of the highest spiritual realization of a person. Theoretical analysis.
