Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Theological education as a basic factor of socialization and the formation of value orientations in a dynamically changing society

Kutyreva Irina Victorovna, Saratov State University

In a dynamically changing society, the problem of the formation of value attitudes and the preservation of traditions is one of the main and paramount issues for the construction of social relations. State policy aimed at constructive interaction of various institutions responsible for socialization is a guarantee of the stability of social relations themselves. Considering education as the main institution of socialization, it is necessary to determine the difficulties and opportunities in the formation of value orientations of the younger generation and modern youth. The article reflects the position that theological education is the basis on which creation is possible. It is spiritual values that are of key importance for the formation of the consciousness of society, for strengthening the foundations of statehood, patriotism and personal qualities of each person. The need to return to spiritual values results from the current state of society, the dynamics of its development, which often leads to the departure from traditions, the rethinking of cultural awareness and identity. Spirituality is a solid foundation on which Russian identity and traditions are created and preserved. Therefore, theological education should be considered not just as possible, but as a necessary way to preserve the traditions and moral foundations of modern society.

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