Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Name and Number in the Russian and Chinese Thought Traditions

Friauf Vasily Aleksandrovich, Saratov State University

Ontological status of name and number in Russian and Chinese philosophy – is the subject of the article. Russian onomatology and Chinese school of ming jia are compared. According to onomatology of Paul Florensky, name and number – are two different ontological principle of being-organization. The number is the source of an external and objective being of things. The name is the source of inner and personal being. The number is the source of time and space. The name is the core of personality and the source of spontaneity and duty. Florensky offers concept of the initial name as archetype of any name. Florensky so offers concept the Chreia as energy axis of the name-organism. In philosophy of Mines-Jia the word «min» (name) is combined with the word «Khao» (title). In Chinese-Tibetan group of languages the name is implied not to knowledge or memory, but to the sage’s ability to express thoughts of the sky. Losev complements the ideas of Florensky, mentioned above. The name is the limit of self-disclosure of things. Losev also creates an original philosophy of number. The number is an apriory form of the semantic meaning. Chinese Numerology adds to the school of ming jia. The «Book of changes» - the I Ching – combines in itself the mystery of name and the mystery of number in the tradition of Tao.

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