Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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1(430) (091) + 929 Больнов

Philosophy of O. F. Bollnow: it’s Social, Ethic and Existential Aspects

Lomako Olga М., Saratov State University

The paper is devoted to the analysis of ethical and existential grounds of a man’s social being through the philosophy of O. F. Bollnow. Actually his philosophy can be considered as the positive existentialism and thus it focuses on positive perception of society and history in their human dimension. The basic concept of the philosophy of Bolnow is «humanity». What is meant is the struggling through sense of danger, fear and vulnerability in risky environment of the modern civilization. To overcome all mentioned, «new defence» should be created, being uncovered by the following notions: «motherland», «hope», «gratefulness», «and festival». Social «chronotope» comes into existence in the identity of social environment and social time in their human (ethical and existential) understanding.

  1. Bollnow O. F. Die Forderung der Menschlichkeit. Tubingen, 1961. 24 s.
  2. Heidegger M. Platon : Sophistes. Frankfurt/M, 1992. 667 s.
  3. Veauthier F. W. Zeitkritik als Metaphysikkritik // Martin Heidegger. Denker der Post – Metaphysik. Heidelberg, 1992. S. 9–47.
  4. Bollnow O. F. Mensch und Raum. Stuttgart, 1963. 310 s.
  5. Bollnow O. F. Neue Geborgenheit. Das Problem einer Uberwindung des Existenzialismus. Stuttgart ; Koln, 1960. 247 s.
  6. Heidegger M. Sein und Zeit. Tubingen, 1993. 445 s.