Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Ways to ensure the mental security of students of universities of the Ministry of Internal Aff airs system of Russia in the conditions of conducting hybrid wars

Konopleva Anna Alekseevna, Crimean branch of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Aff airs of Russia,

The article analyzes the social determinants and manifestations of mental security challenges, which are inevitably refl ected in the minds of young people studying at the universities of the Ministry of Internal Aff airs system of Russia. Introduction. The purpose of the article is to consider the process of formation of sustainable worldview principles among students of higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Aff airs through the prism of the theory of generations. An assumption is made about the eff ectiveness of hybrid warfare methods in connection with the mimetic nature of the factors infl uencing the perception of information. Theoretical analysis. It is established that one of the ways to counter the challenges of mental security is the formation of a “professional identity” even at the stage of studying at a university, as well as the development of mental immunity, which involves the formation of a system of stable spiritual and moral guidelines. Conclusions.The challenges of mental security are in a dynamic state, not only infl uencing the minds of citizens, but also creating fashion trends. In this regard, it is necessary to form in the new generation worldview principles that are resistant to the methods of conducting hybrid wars. The proposed principles and methods for the formation of professional identity can become the basis for organizing the educational process in departmental educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in conditions of mental instability.

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