Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


The Phenomenon of the «Creative Class» in the Social Space

Article discusses the phenomenon of the «creative class», which formation leads to a transformation in the structure of society. Representatives of the new class are considered from the social,  economic, personal and professional positions. Modern concept of creativity plays different from the traditional form of thinking. This makes it possible to increase the level of innovation development of society. Compares traditional and creative types of communities are considered their positive and negative features.

Genealogy and Social Memory: a Methodological Analysis

The article is devoted to the philosophical analysis of the social memory with the comparative historical method of genealogy, which allows to consider a person in its entirety with the world, that means in the unity of the cultural and social links between generations. The possibility of using a philosophical genealogy method to the phenomenon of the social memory is revealed through the categorical comparison of the source of social life and customs.

Singular and Plural: Postmetaphysical Aspect

The article deals with the reception of traditional notions in contemporary philosophy. The transformation of singular and plural in philosophy of G. Deleuze, J. Derrida, J.-L. Nancy, A. Badiou is analyzed. The author draws a conclusion that the relation between singular and plural is problemizing in postmetaphysical philosophy and realization of the impossibility of their opposition takes place. 

Can We See Causal Relation?

Several philosophers and psychologists contend that we can see causal relation in some cases. In this article it is suggested – based on the analysis of Susanna Siegel and Steven Butterfill views – that we can see causal relation only in cases of simple mechanical movements.

Dynamics of Globalizing Economy in Discursive Management Context: European and Chinese Strategies

Close connection between economic, cultural and political sphere of America, Europe and China leads to situation that the slightest crisis in one of these areas objectively affects the others. Competent management, the social contract which role is carried out now by principles of the socially-focused state therefore is required. Positive value for that matter gets also searching of optimum models of discursive regulation of global transformations.

The Moral Regulation as a Form of Social Violence

Society should get effective instrument of regulation of individuals` behavior. Society uses morality as a universal system of compulsion. Morality is also used as an instrument of socialization and demarcation between social and asocial elements, and as an instrument of punishment. Concepts used to identify socially unacceptable actions are: obscenity, shame, guilt. The content of these concepts is determined by social norms relevant in the specific cultural context.

Tolerance in the Intercultural Interaction: Epistemological Procedure of Reading

The content of the epistemological procedure of reading in the intercultural interaction is developed in the given paper, and cognitive mechanism of tolerance is revealed.

The Problem of Education in the Context of Russian-Chinese Cultural Dialogue

The article deals with the problem of education in the context of cultural interaction of Russia and China. Basing on the definitions educational sphere, international communication and intercultural communication, the identity of culture and education, cultural educational context, influence of education on the fundamental phenomenon of the contemporary social life – intercultural dialogue – are grounded.

The Substantial and Communicative Models of Sociality: the Comparative Analysis

The article provides discussion of substantial and communicative models of sociality. The author notes that each of these models describes only one aspect of the social being. That’s why there is a need of searching of new models of sociality. The theory of institutional matrices is one of such models. 

Daily Life as a Basis of Institutionalization of Society

Daily life is considered as a fundamental component of the institutionalization process. The influences of such components as life experience, common sense, norms, and values on the formation of social interaction norms are analyzed. 
