Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Identity as a Social Phenomenon

In the recent years the real storm of interest to the concept of «identity» is observed. The problem of identity became strained when the society had lost the contact to power of nature and tradition and faced the necessity to make self-dependent decisions. Psychoanalysts considered identification as one of defense mechanism. Tradition and memory play the key role in every problem of identity. 

A Ritual Character of Dance in the Myth as a Primary form of Being Social Memory

The article considers the phenomenon of social memory in its socio-historical formation. Social-philosophical analysis of dance as a social phenomenon of memory reveals a genetic relationship of sociality and ritual dance as an important mnemonic form of the myth.

Specific Character of Humanitarian Paradigm in the Study of Professional World View of Expert in the Field of Physical Culture and Sports

This article is dedicated to specific humanitarian paradigm in the study of professional ideology of expert in physical culture and sports. The forming of professional ideology of expert in physical culture and sports supposes the formation of a functional system based on values of physical activities: health, body, movement, which will be shown in all spheres of life.

Logos and Tao: from Metaphysics to Anthropology

The article compares the primary names in Logos tradition and numeric matrix of antitradition. Tao as a metaphysical and also anthropological metaphor, according to the author's opinion, belongs to primary names’ ladder. How does logocentric «Russian idea» relate to the Chinese tradition of Tao? Hermeneutic clarification of metaphysical and anthropological content of these traditions is the maintenance of the article.

The Doctrine of V. l. Solovjev about the Christian Unity and Protestantism

Article considers the theme of church – the main theme of second period of investigation of V. S. Solovjev. It should be noted, that Solovjev appeals to necessary of unite of Christian churches, though throw the handkerchief to Catholicism. Protestantism is the least respectable religion.

The agency of digital platforms: A value-based approach

Introduction. A lack of current approaches to the study of digital platforms is ignoring the internal logic of their functioning, which determines their social agency, as well as the value foundations of this agency. The aim of this work is a socio-philosophical analysis of the agency of digital platforms through the lens of the value approach. Theoretical analysis.

Information and communication technologies in the context of modern development of society

Introduction. Constant use of technical devices in everyday life increases the risks of occurrence and realization of communication strategies of behavior that have a negative impact on human relations with the outside world, and it affects the ability to perceive information, the formation of interpersonal communication skills, and the ability of conflict-free interaction in offline format.

Urbanized sociality: The culture of control in the mode of mediatization

Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of the culture of control in conditions of mediatization – an integral part of the modern social world of the city. The specificity of the view on the problem lies in the departure from the functional technicality of positivist research into the field of ontological and social reflection, expanding the analytical range of revealing the meaning.

The anthropological nature of M. M. Bakhtin’s chronotope

Introduction. The relevance of the topic is substantiated and the purpose of the study is formulated. Theoretical analysis. An anthropological interpretation of M. M. Bakhtin’s chronotope is proposed. The unity of the chronotope is maintained by the dynamically nonequilibrium ratio of time and space. Chronotope expands the idea of an event and a place. The simultaneous presence of a person in a chronotope and a chronotope in a person is organic and inseparable.

The role of metanoia in the formation of theological worldview

Introduction. In connection with the acquisition of the status of science by theology, the question arises how to update the internal sources of motivation of the theologian-researcher for scientific activity. One of the motivating factors is the consideration of research activities as a special kind of worship, which consists in an inner aspiration to know the God by approaching the comprehension of ultimate meanings. In this case, research activity is regarded as sacred, which undoubtedly gives the theologian a special impetus to action.
