Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


"Philosophical faith” and mystical experience: Convergence and divergence

Introduction. The common version that mystical experience reveals the deep unity of religious traditions, hiding behind the external facade of their diff erences, seems controversial. Theoretical analysis. It is justifi ed that the similarity between diff erent traditions of mysticism does not express the quintessence of religiosity, as such, but onlyconvergence in a certain phase of the evolution of religions. Mysticism is compared with the entry of religion into the phenomenological phase of development.

Quo vadis, Homo spiritualis?

Introduction. Where are you going, spiritual man? – humanity has been facing this question since antiquity, when Christian culture was an alternative to sacred teachings. Modern society in recent “pandemic” years, against the background of a stable state of traditional religiosity, has shown an explosive interest in esotericism. Theoretical analysis.

Madness in the discourse of the “Other” in the contemporary philosophy

Introduction. This paper considers madness as a metahistorical category of culture as well as an excluded language in Western European culture that exists despite the language code. To determine the status of madness in the contemporary philosophy the author analyses the way it functions in the discourse of “the other”. Theoretical analysis.

The value and semantic meaning of the Motherland in A. S. Panarin’s book “Orthodox civilization in the global world”: A philosophical analysis

Introduction. The article examines the book by A. S. Panarin “Orthodox civilization in the global world” as a source of understanding the essence of the Motherland, its place in the system of values. The relevance of addressing this issue is obvious in connection with the changes taking place both in Russia and in the world, the need to overcome the crisis and implement a different model of development based on objective values. Theoretical analysis. The appeal to the work of A. S.

Postprivacy in the digital age

Introduction. The article deals with the actual problem of changing attitudes towards privacy in connection with the development of modern information and communication technologies. The purpose of the study is to philosophically analyze the phenomenon of post-privacy, identify the causes and consequences of its occurrence using logical, hermeneutic and comparative methods. The novelty of the work lies in the conceptualization of the socio-philosophical phenomenon of post-privacy. Theoretical analysis.

Semantic frame as an element of meaning-making

Introduction. In the modern socio-cultural space, the concept of the meaning of the text of culture, the process of meaning-making have become relevant among scientists. Previously, these concepts were considered in linguistics, psychology and philosophy, today they have become popular among cultural scientists, and art historians. A theoretical analysis of the concept of “frame” allows us to conclude that a frame is a fragment of a person’s memory, representing knowledge about a particular cultural phenomenon.

The role of technical in the preservation and reproduction of the living principle in a human

Introduction. The tendency to strengthen the priority of the technical side of life and the activity of a modern person, characterized by increasing complexity and ambiguity in the definition of a human and his world, aggravates the problem of preserving and reproduction of a living principle in a human. A problematic question arises: is a person – a living person – possible in a technical and technologized world in general? Theoretical analysis.

Two preachings on Lazarus Saturday: The moral dimension of friendship according to Saint Justin (Polyansky) and Saint Innocent of Kherson

Introduction. The article is devoted to the concept of friendship in Christian ethics. The author analyses the idea of friendship and its moral aspect in two previously underexamined in Russian theology sermons of Saint Justin (Polyansky) and Saint Innocent of Kherson on Lazarus Saturday. Theoretical analysis. The research allows us to make the following conclusions.

Coincidentia oppositorum as a particular way of thinking and life of a theologian

Introduction. The acquisition of scientific status by theology requires the theological community to introduce a special thesaurus into scientific circulation, as well as to develop the methodology of theology itself. In this connection we consider it expedient to turn to comprehension of Coincidentia oppositorum which will promote the expansion of theological vocabulary, paying special attention to the principle of combining opposites in theological research and formation of a special type of dialectical thinking, inherent to a theologian.

The practice of perceiving space and time from an existential-phenomenological perspective

Introduction. In contemporary philosophy there is an emerging interest in space and time in relation to the existential-phenomenological tradition. Theoretical analysis. The article analyses some modern approaches to the problem of space and time in the context of the above-mentioned methodology, as well as those approaches that either stand in opposition to the phenomenological tradition or try to form the related understanding of the problem.
