Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Сonceptualization of chaos in WEB 2.0 and the chaotic subject of the Web

Ryzhenkov Vladislav Evgenievich, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

Introduction. The article considers the theme of chaos, traditional for philosophy, in the perspective of materiality and spatiality, associated with manifestations of WEB 2.0: the stages of development of the global Web, where interactive content and content from the network users themselves prevail. Theoretical analysis. Here, an attempt is made to comprehend the question of chaos, using methods and models adequate for the digital sphere, as well as thematizing the concept of cyberchaos in order to answer the question of its relevance for modern Internet research. Understanding Internet subject, cyberchaos and the Internet as a chaotic system at the stage of WEB 2.0, where disorder and over-intensity of content predominate, shows it to be both a creative beginning and a method of catastrophic influence on the world, emerging from digital, but at the same time available for control and suppression. Conclusion. The current consideration makes it possible to take into account the scale of Deleuzian nomadology in the WEB 2.0 space. Its result is a series of proposals for the conceptualization of chaos and segments of modern life that relate to the Internet and WEB 2.0: social network subjectivity, information chaos and instant messengers as a driver of chaotic socio-political research.

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