Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Social myth as a factor in constructing images of the future

The article defines the contemporary social myth as a value-laden phenomenon with the potential and significance, but which is used in different ways by actors – an indwelling by a myth, a creator of a myth and a critic of a myth. The process of myth-making is considered as launching the so-called work on myth, which includes both the activity of myth-makers and the functioning of the myth in the masses.

Doubt as a mechanism of the change of epistemic states (on the materials of the philosophy of pragmatism and neuropsychology)

Science has not yet found a solution to the question of how cognitive mechanisms, which are crucial for the subjective processes of evaluating the reliability of information and doubt, are arranged. This ability is usually associated with both the pragmatic consequences of accepting a belief and the material substance of consciousness. In this article, the author proposes to compare one of the largest conceptions of doubt in philosophy, the pragmatic conception, with the theory of false tags, which was presented in the last decade by the neuropsychologist E.

The theory of a just state in the philosophical concept of the institutional person

The antagonisms in the development of modern social relations make working out the idea of creating comfortable life conditions for a person in society topical again. This circumstance suggests reconsidering the theory of a just state within the context of the philosophical conception of the institutional person with a substantial comprehension of the institutional organization of society comparing it with the variability of the tasks of modern democracy.

Topology of Social Space: from Geography to Social Philosophy

The purpose of article is consideration of methodological transformation of the concept «social space» of a context of social and philosophical thought of the XX century. Withdrawal from an initial identification of physical space and social space is considered, drafts of the spatial analysis of the society, developed by P. Bourdieu and B. Verlen are analyzed. P.

Models of Philosophical Reflexion of Mental Illness

The article considers models of philosophical reflexion of the mental illness, offered within the interdisciplinary movements and theories in XXth century. Ideas of L. Binswanger, R. Laing, M. Foucault are analyzed, existential-phenomenological, social and epistemological models of philosophical reflexion of the mental illness are allocated. The author concludes that in all models the mental illness becomes an original phenomenon by means of which are analyzed the existential base of life, society, history, i.e. it becomes the methodological tool, strategy of research.

The Dialogic Structure of Artistic Reflection

This article is devoted to analysis of dialogic dimensions of art as an essential phenomenon in artistic experience of contemporary man. The concept of «dialogue» is analyzed to be the fundamental principle of the relation of a person with art. The concept of «artistic reflection» is considered as a key to problem of the dialogic interpretation of artistic work. Phenomenon of artistic dialogue is interpreting here as a unity of individual and common in artistic experience.

Risk and Safety in a Modern Social and Philosophical Discourse: Valuable Aspect

In article the problem of a ratio of risk and safety in daily existence and consciousness of the modern person is considered. From positions of valuable approach the author reveals interrelation of these categories, and also defines preconditions of updating of a perspective of safety in a modern discourse social and the humanities. Within the accepted approach safety types in traditional, modernist and post-modernist society are considered.

Cyvilyzation and Metaphysics

Article is devoted to attempt to clear up the cult bases of the West civilization and identify the causes of the formation of the latest features in the Judeo-Christian metaphysics. The analysis begins with justification of thought of Pavel Florenskiy’s postulate that, not only a culture genetically comes from a cult, but also any philosophical categories come from a cult too.

Historico-Philocophical Analysis of the Notion of Health in Natural Science and Russian Philosophy

A historico-philosophical analysis of the notion of health in the ontological, gnoseological, and axiological context has been carried out in the article. It analyses the views on the notion of health, starting from the cosmocentric indigenous beliefs of the Rusichi and ending with the modern scientific and philosophical interpretations of that phenomenon.

Kinds of Adaptation of the Modern Person: the Social-philosophical Analysis of the Problem

The article is dedicated to the consideration of kinds of adaptation of the modern person in the conditions of the venturesome society. The author of research represents adaptation of the modern person to risky situations through a certain duality: acceptance or rejection of the situation. It is noticed, that process of adaptation is connected with the dynamics of functional possibilities of various mechanisms, with the appearance of the modified skills, habits and qualities.
