Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Cyvilyzation and Metaphysics

Markelov N. M., Saratov State University

Article is devoted to attempt to clear up the cult bases of the West civilization and identify the causes of the formation of the latest features in the Judeo-Christian metaphysics. The analysis begins with justification of thought of Pavel Florenskiy’s postulate that, not only a culture genetically comes from a cult, but also any philosophical categories come from a cult too. Accordingly, a direct cult source of the Western civilization is that version of early Christianity which later having concluded the alliance with Rome, called itself «Universal Catholic Church» and declared all other early Christian schools as heresies. Next is a brief analysis of the metaphysical roots of that tradition, to find in it those archetypes which then manifests themself in all of Western culture, including the secular and even atheistic. The main conclusion is total desacralization of reality that had done with the Western civilization in cause of the combination of originality metaphysics of the Gospel and the Jewish metaphysics. Here is should look for the causes of all the features of Western culture.

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