Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Eurasian Migration: Mechanisms and Principles of the Global Migratiosphere

The article focuses on Eurasian migration processes, seen in the context of three migration models, as well as their impact on demographic and sociocultural dynamics. The actual problematization of the article is to determine the relationship between the phenomenon of migration and the demographic crisis on the continent. The author sets a goal to find common ground between various migration models in the search for ways of overcoming the demographic crisis. To solve the problem, comparative and systems approaches were applied.

Gandhi's Successors: from Forest Satyagraha to the Chipko Social Movement

The article examines the role of the ideological successors of Mahatma Gandhi in the development of his teaching on spiritual resistance to violence – Satyagraha. Much attention is paid to the history of the transformation of Forest Satyagraha campaigns, which were characteristic of the period of the struggle of India for independence, into the Chipko social movement that arose during the period of Independence.

Communication Processes in Social Systems Through the Prism of the Paradigm of Complexity

This article is focused on the results of the study of social systems based on the principles of the Complexity Paradigm.Our research task is focused on the analysis of communication processes in social systems. Our objective is to study their way of functioning of the parameters which we find in “a human” type of social systems. As a theoretical and methodological foundation, we use the Complexity paradigm, and we also rely on the Complex Discourse Analysis that was obtained as a result of our previous studies.

The End of History: Factors and Methodological Parameters of the Conceptualization of the Idea

The article explores the problem of constructing concepts of the end of history. The author draws attention to the anthropogenic, social and historical factors of the emergence and increasing of interest to the topic of finiteness of the historical process. He notes its manifestation in eschatological intentions of theological comprehension and philosophical reflection of the meanings of completing the path of humanity from the past to the present.

From the History of Nihilism In Russia: “Vekhi” and Frank

In the article, the attempt is made to comprehend the influence of the ideology of nihilism on the social condition of Russia after the defeat of the 1905 revolution. Leading Russian philosophers (N. A. Berdyaev, S. N. Bulgakov, M. O. Gershenzon, A. S. Izgoev, B. A. Kistyakovsky, P. B. Struve, S. L. Frank) in the collection of articles “Vekhi”, published in 1909, spoke about the role of the Russian intelligentsia in this revolution. The release of the collection caused a fierce debate in the society. We settled on the article by S. L.

Moral Problems in Russian Neo-Kantianism: The Specifics of the Formation of Transcendental Philosophy in Russia

The article is devoted to the complex problem of the development of Russian Neo-Kantianism in the context of the history of transcendental philosophy. The general tendency of the development of transcendental philosophy in the form of “the history of motives”, identified on the basis of historical and philosophical analysis, is outlined. The formation of Russian Neo-Kantianism as an original creative direction is the result of its development in the context of German Neo-Kantian methodology and the pursuit of Russian philosophers for independent thinking.

Systems Approach in Russian Systemology: The Transitivity of Philosophical Value and Meaning

The article is devoted to the issue of a systems approach in the context of philosophical problems. The necessity of revising system representations and expanding the dynamic component, according to the requirements of the time, is substantiated. Attention is focused on the evolution of the concept of the systems approach in Russian systemology. It is shown that the uniqueness of the evolution of the systems approach in Russia is due to the problem of determining its role and place in the conditions of the dominance of materialistic dialectics in the Soviet period.

Antinomy of love and suffering in the religious philosophy by S. L. Frank

The article explores the essence of the antinomy of love and suffering. Within the framework of the problem, the works of the Russian religious philosopher S. L. Frank turned out to be significant. The author analyzes the semantic content of love and suffering, which became possible when considering the concept of the metaphysics of the all-unity of the thinker. In the course of studying the problem, an aspect of the contradiction between the selected phenomena is revealed, which is based on a positive and negative assessment of the understanding of these sensations.

Ontological analysis of the models of scientific conceptuality bordering on metaphysics

The article analyzes some conceptual models of modern science, which border on metaphysics, that is, when working with them, they require an assessment of their ontological and cognitive status. The concepts of “dark” or “black” matter are considered in connection with the so-called problem of “mass defect”, and negative quantities in mathematics.

Motherhood as a factor of the comprehension of life in the realities of a consumer society

Modern society is focused on a prestigious-status consumption, material values are cultivated in it to the detriment of spiritual ones, the meaning of life becomes unclear, a person falls into an “existential vacuum”. Consumer tendencies can be contrasted with love in its various manifestations, including one of the strongest – motherly love. But in modern realities, motherhood is faced with the devaluation, belittling of its role.
