Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Clip Thinking in the Context of Educational Practices: a Socio-philosophical Analysis

Kraynov Andrey Leonidovich, Saratov State Agrarian University

The article is devoted to the analysis of clip thinking as a phenomenon of the information society. In the context of global computerization, a person constantly interacts with the information and telecommunication network – the Internet – through various devices, which greatly affect his analytical skills. As a result of this interaction, he ceases to think globally and analyze large volumes of serious information. His consciousness becomes mosaic, and his thinking is fragmentary. The effect of clip thinking is particularly evident in the system of education taking the example of students who have lost the ability to retell a scientific text in a meaningful way without peeping into a smartphone or an abstract. This problem is not related to their unwillingness to learn, but with the standards of communication of the digital society, based on the transfer and perception of a small amount of information determined by the size of the screen of a digital gadget. Besides, clip thinking makes the consciousness of its owner compliant to various kinds of manipulations by reducing the level of critical perception of information. Mosaic consciousness jumps from one information to another, without lingering on anything or going into its analysis. Such informational chaos in the mind is capable of engaging its carrier in various unpleasant situations. To solve the problem of clip thinking, it is necessary to determine the role of information and communication technologies in the educational process at the institutional level.


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