Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Modern socio-cultural communications: Transformations in the digital age

Listvina Evgeniya Viktorovna, Saratov State University

The article deals with the problem of transformation of modern communication processes caused by the formation of a new digital society and its influence on all aspects of social and cultural life. Communication becomes diverse, rhizomatically branched, offering an interweaving of channels and means of communication, a multivariate effectiveness and a change in the actual communicants, communication actors. It is noted that long-term social ties cease to be dominant. A qualitatively new environment, called the media space, lays down a new format of communication. Information is perceived in increasingly shorter blocks. The essence and depth of communicative interaction is flattened. People are increasingly communicating taking into account specific brief cases or events, uniting for their implementation in rapidly disintegrating fragile social formations. Horizontal socio-cultural ties and social stigmergia are being strengthened. There is a playization, which is becoming one of the characteristic features of modern communication. There is a leveling of communications, interactions of different levels and different tasks. The author notes that such changes contribute to the disappearance of hierarchy, multi-level, highly contextual interaction from the space and at the same time strengthen the emotional component of communication. All this creates conditions for qualitative changes in the meanings and methods of social interaction.

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