Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

digital society

Digital identity as a condition of human existence in a digital society

Introduction. The article is devoted to the problem of digital identity. The development of the information society and digitalization processes poses to each Internet user the challenge of matching the digital profile to its real owner. There is often a big difference between a real person and his digital avatars, which leads not only to confusion and ambiguous perception of the narrator and the author by the other, but also to depersonalization of the author. Theoretical analysis.

The Formation of Multiple Identities in the Digital Environment

This article discusses the development of the digital environment and the sphere of human activity associated with the qualitative transition to new forms of reflection. The author analyzes the formation of digital reality from the point of view of cultural and communication phenomena. The analysis of multiple identity and its interaction with the digital space is presented, actualizing the problems of control, transformation and modification of the identification processes.

The Diversity of the Digital Environment in a Risk Society

In the article presented, it is established that the basis for a digital society is the digital environment. The study of technologies outside the context of anthropological and social experience is insufficient, therefore, for the consideration of a digital society, the hybridization of Software studies and digital humanities is a productive one. It is established that the digital society is not only the result of technological progress, but also the result of the changing experience of mankind.

Digital Society and Digital Anthropology: Transdisciplinary Foundations of Social and Epistemological Research

The article deals with the methodological problems of exploring digital social reality. In modern society, digital technologies mediate the whole complex of social relations, linking the state, organizations, and individuals in a complex technical object. The new technological order integrating convergent technologies radically transforms the landscape of human corporeality, everyday life and creativity.

Culture in the Era of Digitalization: Social and Philosophical Understanding

The article deals with the phenomenon of a digital society and a digital culture as a consequence of the penetration of digital technologies into the main components of the sphere of culture, influencing the formation of a new cultural experience and changing behavioral and cultural preferences.

Digital Philosophy of History: Problem Statement

The article raises the problem of the possibility of creating a digital philosophy of history. The initial thesis of the work states the fact of the crisis of the traditional philosophy of history, the absence of meta-narratives which introduce global historiosophical concepts, and the unsuitability of the existing categorial apparatus for describing the realities of the digital world.

Sociocultural Aspects of Intergenerational Communications in the Digital Age

The article deals with the problem of interaction between generations in the emerging digital age. With the introduction of digital technologies into everyday life, qualitatively new conditions for the existence of society are formed, what affects the interaction of generations.

Modern socio-cultural communications: Transformations in the digital age

The article deals with the problem of transformation of modern communication processes caused by the formation of a new digital society and its influence on all aspects of social and cultural life. Communication becomes diverse, rhizomatically branched, offering an interweaving of channels and means of communication, a multivariate effectiveness and a change in the actual communicants, communication actors. It is noted that long-term social ties cease to be dominant. A qualitatively new environment, called the media space, lays down a new format of communication.

Theoretical substantiation of the term "visual literacy" in the context of the digitalization of society

Introduction. Nowadays there is a tendency towards more critical and creative use of digital graphic elements for educational purposes. Modern generation of students and schoolchildren was born in the era of social networks, digital technologies and touch screens and now they live through visual content. However, being technically knowledgeable, modern information users are visually illiterate and easily fall for «fakes» and media provocations.

Walking as a way to fight fatigue: A philosophical aspect

Introduction. The article deals with the problem of walking in the digital age context. It is one of the forms of social activity that lets us keep our mind and body on toes – walking, and it is not high on the public agenda anymore. Theoretical analysis. The analysis of the works of P. Handke, B. Vigarello etc. helps to suggest that every day individual completes a series of tasks being distracted by social media and doing some other minor things.
