Philosophical foundation of the peculiarities of social technologies in a social policy area
Socio-philosophical content of the term “social policy”, its difference from the definition of “political economics” and also some features of technologies in a social area are described and analyzed in the article. The author distinguishes between the concepts of “labor” and “social labor activity” (deiatel’nost’). Using the concept of philosophy of a name developed by A. F. Losev, the definition of the "ideal" (“ideal’noe”) considered by E. V. Il’enkov, and A. V. Dakhin’s definition of “socio-historical memory” the author gives the definition of social policy that is understood as social labor activity (deiatel’nost’) of a man. This definition is focused on the ideas of safety and the development of essential forces of a personality-and-society, which relates to a name of a personality, to a name of a social community, to a name of a man as the complete form of social being, that contains concrete knowledge, experience, attitudes etc. as forms of social existence. The author shows that some aspects of technologies analysis in the social area give reasons to conclude: as distinct from more popular deserted technologies of commodity industry, the social policy area is in need to use another type of algorithms of social labor activity, – these are people intensive (chelovekoеmkie) technologies, the main peculiarities of which are described in the article. Main fields of social labor activity (deiatel’nost’) where people intensive technologies are reasonable to be used include pedagogical, medical, organizational ones etc.
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