The concept of creativity in the problem field of modern social philosophy
This paper speaks of the growing interest in the category of creativity among the scientific community of interdisciplinary discourse, and the place of creativity among philosophical disciplines. Creativity as a property of the social environment is characteristic of the type of society in which traditions have not managed to become a universal form of behavior, prompting the subjects of society to permanently reflect on habitual patterns of behavior, the production of unique forms, and the original synthesis of previously known ideas and social practices. Being an integral property of the social and cultural environment as a whole, creativity ultimately reveals a person’s desire for novelty and marks the beginning of the digital revolution. The development of creativity due to explicitly specified external conditions contributes to its identification not only in a certain scientific environment, but also in the whole society, within which the creative class functions. Within the framework of the socio-philosophical context, the category of creativity reveals its potential based on the axiological approach. Tracing the rejection of the values of traditional society, the new values are those that contribute to the self-expression of a person, expanding the boundaries of his or her self-actualization.
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