Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Theoretical Socio-Psychological Model Construction for Personality of a Serviceman

This article describes the construction of theoretical sociopsychological model for personality of a serviceman (TSPMS), which is conducted by separation of military professional activity criteria from the existing personality models. This model is used to virtual
professional socio-psychological diagnostics of servicemen. During the research the permissible variation from the ideal values of parameters was determined. Possessing parameters with permissible variation serviceman is still «successful».

Relation of the Emotional Burnout Syndrome and of the Value Sphere of a Personality in the Process of the Professional Socialization in the Extreme Conditions

The relation of the emotional burnout syndrome and of the value sphere of a personality on the basis of the dates of the factor analysis is considered in this paper. The social-psychological aspect of the burnout problem of a personality in the process of its professional socialization in the extremal conditions is substantiated.

The Correlation of Emotional Intelligence Qualities and Management Effectiveness

This article tells about researches of the emotional intelligence qualities of the leaders of the organizations, that took place in 2009.The examples of the foreign test measuring emotional intelligence adaptation for the Russian culture are discussed. The conclusions of the research are formulated. The main conclusion is the discovery of the connection of emotional intelligence qualities and management effectiveness for Russian culture.

Methods of Order Diagnostic of Organizational Culture

The author's technique of socially-psychological diagnostics of the organizational culture, developed on the basis of the order concept of organizational culture is presented. The general descriptions of a technique, forms of questionnaires are given. The way of use of
questionnaires for diagnostics of organizational culture is shown.

The Peculiarities of Fear Among Hearing-Impaired Children of Primary School Age

The content of fears among hearing-impaired children of younger school age is analyzed in the article, the results of the comparative analysis of fears among hearing-impaired children with the content of fears among normal children are revealed. As a research toolkit the structural questionnaire of children's fears developed by the author (SQCF) and a projective technique «Draw the fear» is used. Quantitative and qualitative differences in the content of fears are revealed; the fears inherent in children hard of hearing are allocated and described.

The Social Representations of Risk

In this article results of the analysis of a place and a role of risk in system of social representations are discussed. The structure of social representations about risk is studied. Inter-generation features of perception of risk are analyzed.

Features of Personal Qualities of Individuals with Neurotic Internal Conflicts

In the article empirical research of features of personal qualities of women with neurotic internal conflicts is resulted. We have shown the comparative analysis of personal qualities between groups conditionally healthy and sick of a neurosis. The received results allow more to understand deeply a role of person in origin of internal conflicts.

Structure of Activity and Condition of Mental Burning Out at Teachers of City and Rural Comprehensive

Studying of a condition of mental burning out of city and rural teachers with use of the theory about functional psychological system of activity as methodological basis allows to reveal specific displaying of a structure of professional work (its objective and subjective conditions) on its occurrence and genesis.

An Analysis of the Vocational and Personal Formation of Prospective Professionals in the Field of Information Technology under the Aspect of the Scenario (Modelling) Approach

The article reveals the essence of the scenario (modelling) approach to the analysis of the professional and personal formation of prospective IT professionals. Under this aspect there is presented a theoretical foundation of the author's experience in applying the scenario approach to the analysis of the empirical data gathered in the course of study. It is also noted that the scenarios of the vocational and personal formation can not evolve beyond certain spatial and temporal limits.

Reseach of the Younger Teenagers Intellectual Qualities under the Developing Effect to their Emotionally-Volitional Sphere

The interrelations between the emotional, volitional qualities and intelligence quotients of the younger teenagers are studied. During three years we carry out the experiment in diagnostics and development emotionally-volitional sphere of schoolchildren of 9?12. The correlative and factorial analysis of the received psychodiagnostic results, which was obtained before and after experiment, was used. The diagnostic and correctional-developing methods are presented.
