Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


The structure and factors of academic adjustment of foreign students in Russian universities

Introduction. Academic adaptation of foreign students in terms of academic mobility is the basis of academic achievements and is associated with psychological well-being, which serves as a condition for a positive attitude towards the host country. Therefore, the study of the peculiarities of academic adaptation of foreign students will allow us to determine the conditions for their secondary socialization and psychological acceptance of the host country. Theoretical analysis.

Constructive behavior in an interpersonal conflict situation: Innate characteristics, functional structure and meaningful indicators

The introduction justifies the topicality of studying and importance of conceptualization and operationalization of the social and psychological phenomenon of constructive behavior in conflict situations. The theoretical analysis involved three main stages. The first stage focused on identification of the subject matter and functional structure of constructive behavior in an interpersonal conflict situation.

Patterns of oculomotor activity during the perception of different art movements: Eye tracking study

The introduction discusses the role of art in society. Art is one of the ways of learning and describing the world, and its role in the development of an integral personality is enormous. The theoretical analysis presents some research within the framework of neuroaesthetics. The choice of stimulus material for the study is discussed – paintings from five art movements: Realism, Impressionism, Modernism, Cubism, and Surrealism.

Internal conflict of personality and its connection with indicators of the formation of the professional self in the structure of individuality among students of psychological specialties

. Introduction. The article presents the results of an empirical study aimed at identifying the peculiarities of the connection between the severity of internal conflict and a complex of psychological and socio-psychological characteristics of an individual in the structure of individuality as a subject of professional socialization. Theoretical analysis.

Compassion and kindness as different scenarios of pro-social behavior of the person

Introduction: the relevance problem of differentiating modes of prosocial behavior is substantiated and the main goal is determined: to identify differences in the recognition and experience of modes of prosocial behavior among psychology students and the role of subjective well-being of the person in them.

Archetypal images of a leader

Introduction. The article examines the archetypal images of the leader, reveals the concept of the archetype of the leader, shows the image of the leader in the context of different historical and cultural epochs. Theoretical analysis. The analysis of key sources on the topic was carried out, the theory of the archetype and the collective unconscious of K. Jung was chosen as the methodological basis of the research.

Quantitative analysis of the psychological state of modern Yakut society

Introduction. The article analyzes the psychological state of the modern Yakut society as a part of the Russian society using a composite index. The possibilities of composite indices developed within the framework of macropsychology have not been fully disclosed to date. Theoretical analysis. The paper proposes to consider the composite index of the psychological state of society from the point of view of a systematic approach. The basis for this is the understanding of individual subjects as a part of the Russian macro-community.

Generalized readiness as a socio-psychological attitude

Introduction. Modern social challenges make it necessary to adapt the individual to rapidly changing conditions. The concept of generalized readiness of the individual is proposed as a socio-psychological construct that contributes to the effectiveness of such adaptation. Theoretical analysis. The article discusses domestic and foreign works describing the phenomenon of readiness, as well as constructs similar in content: vitality, resilience, tolerance to uncertainty. A comparative analysis of these concepts is carried out.

Main types of military identity of military universities cadets

Introduction. The article presents the results of the study of the main types of military identity of cadets. A new methodology for determining two types of military identity and assessing their significance is proposed as a toolkit. Theoretical analysis. Military identity, as one of the types of identity in the structure of a serviceman’s personality, is interesting to study not only through the prism of the main focus of his security responsibilities.


В статье изложены материалы эмпирического исследования, посвященного выявлению 
представлений о благополучии и их влиянию на эмоционально-оценочное отношение к 
Другим. Исследование выполнено на выборке представителей узбекской молодежи (Са-
ратовская область, n = 60, 20–34 лет). Испытуемые – узбеки по национальности, прожи-
вают в России от 1 года и более, одной из главных причин миграции называют желание 
улучшить  экономическое  благосостояние.  Применение  комплекса  методик:  авторской 
