Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)



В данном исследовании ищется взаимосвязь порогов опознава-
ния различных эмоциональных схем с качеством темперамента 
нейротизмом.  Обнаружено,  что  при  низком  уровне  нейротиз-
ма распознавание эмоциональных схем «радости», «грусти» и 
«гнева»  достаточно  эффективно  и  стабильно.  При  средних  и 
высоких  уровнях  нейротизма  эффективность  распознавания 
этих эмоциональных схем различна у разных испытуемых. Эф-
фективность  опознавания  эмоциональной  схемы  «удивление» 


Впервые получены эмпирические данные о влиянии различных 
характеристик  школьных  образовательных  сред  на  уровень 
предметных  образовательных  результатов  обучающихся.  По-
лучены  коэффициенты  корреляции  между  различными  пара-
метрами школьной среды и рейтингом школ. Установлено, что 
образовательная  среда  влияет  на  достижение  школьниками 
предметных  образовательных  результатов,  прежде  всего,  за 
счёт своей интенсивности, а также – «внешних» факторов, об-

Intellectual Plasticity within the Integral Individuality Structure in Students with Different Levels of General Self-Efficacy

This paper presents the results of the empirical study of the relationship
between intellectual plasticity as temperamental property
and inter-level parameters in the structure of integral individuality,
depending on the level of general self-efficacy which students
demonstrate studying at universities. It is found out that intellectual
plasticity as property of individuality determines the differences in
displaying the set of inter-level relationships in the structure of individuality.

Ethnopsychological Peculiaraty of the Relationships of Subjective Well-being and Personal Self-regulation

The article presents theoretical and empirical study of relationships
of subjective well-being and personal self-regulation of representatives
different ethnogroups are presented. Empirical research is
executed to in proportion the picked-up selection of student’s youth
(Saratov), ranking themselves as the Russian and Tatar ethnos
(n = 60, female and male; 18–20 years old) with use of psychodiagnostic
tools: «Types of ethnic identity» (G. U. Soldatova,
S. V. Ryzhova), V. I. Morosanova’s questionnaire «Style of selfcontrol

Temporal Aspects of Psychological Safety

The subject of the present study were phenomena of subjective
projection of security. The aim of the study was to demonstrate their
temporal identity. Theoretical analysis and own empirical data allowed
the author to identify three classes of temporal phenomena peculiar
psychological security. The first class is formed by human experiences
sensations, perceptions or feelings of security. The second class of
phenomena of psychological safety experience formed the subject of

Compliance as an Actual Problem of Medical Psychology: Theoretical-Methodological Aspects

The article considers the problem of compliance of patients to
treatment and rehabilitation process. Carried out a theoretical
analysis of interdisciplinary problems. Provides an overview of
trends in the study of compliance, methods of evaluation and the
factors influencing compliance behavior. Particular attention is
given to the relevance of the study in the psychology of compliance.
The author notes that the patient should be seen as a carrier
of subjective reality, consisting of interrelated psychic phenomena

Relation of Socialization and Value Orientations of a Personality in the Aspect of its Adaptability among Different Ethnics in Volga Region

A comparative analysis of characteristics of the social suitability and
value orientations of a personality of representatives of three ethnics
(Russians, Tatars and Lezghins) living in theVolga region (Saratov
region) is represented. Modern approaches to the understanding
of the the socialization of a personality and its social-psychological
manifestations, adaptational possibilities are considered. In the results
of the analysis of the phenomena among the majority of the probationers

Relationship between Value System and Psychological Structure of Students' Initiative

The article presents the results of the research focused on students’
value system and initiative, including the significance of different groups of values for them. Psychological structure of initiative as a
personality trait; significance of abstract, concrete values and also
values of professional and personal self-realization; relationships
between the significance of the group of terminal values, contentsemantic
and instrumental-stylistic characteristics of initiative are

The Person’s Commitment to Their Country from the Perspective of Individual Life Values

The article is devoted to the topical problem of studying psychological
factors of person’s commitment to their country, with individual
life values being their integral parts. The author has undertaken an
empirical study of the value orientations of the representatives of
Russia and Kazakhstan, who are committed to their country and
who want to emigrate. The study is based on the S.Н. Schwartz’s
motivational values concept and understanding of the psychological

Kinds of Involvement of the Personality in Criminal Activity

The article describes the main provisions of the author’s approach
to the analysis of problems involving the individual in criminal activity. The phenomenon is seen to involve both the process and
the result. The author suggests a classification of the individual determinants
of involvement in criminal activities: external, internal and
integrated. External determinants of the involvement of the individual
in criminal activity are considered in terms of the presence of foreign
