For citation:
Kondrashihina O. A. Type of attachment to parents and interpersonal relationships in psychology students. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2025, vol. 25, iss. 1, pp. 47-55. DOI: 10.18500/1819-7671-2025-25-1-47-55, EDN: MBTECE
Type of attachment to parents and interpersonal relationships in psychology students
The ability to form constructive interpersonal relationships is extremely important for future psychologists. Theoretical analysis. The genesis of the development of attachment theory and the concept of interpersonal dependence is considered. Empirical analysis. Objective: to study the relationship between the types of attachment to parents in childhood and in adulthood in psychology students. Hypothesis: students characterized by insecure attachment to parents in childhood show insecure attachment and a tendency to interpersonal dependence in adulthood. The empirical study was conducted using the following methods: projective technique “Space of Tree and Light” by K. Adams (adapted by M. A. Odintsova, D. V. Lubovskij, E. S. Gusarova, P. A. Ivanova); “Attachment type test” by E. Chen; "Interpersonal dependence questionnaire" by R. Girshfield (adapted by O. P. Makushina). It was revealed that most of the subjects had formed a secure attachment to their parents. There are also more students with secure attachment in interpersonal relationships at the moment than students with insecure attachment. However, a significant part of psychology students have a tendency to interpersonal dependence. Conclusion. It was found that the group of students with an insecure attachment type in childhood had higher rates of anxious attachment to a partner at the moment, compared to students with a secure attachment in childhood. The indicators of self-doubt were also higher in students with an insecure attachment type in childhood.
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