Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)



Проблема реабилитации и ресоциализации больных хрониче- скими соматическими заболеваниями и инвалидов требует рас- смотрения этого процесса в интегративном контексте различ- ных научных дисциплин: медицины, социологии, социальной и медицинской психологии. Одним из вариантов решения этой задачи является анализ ситуации болезни и личности инвалида с точки зрения представления о маргинальности. В статье рас- смотрена трансформация личностной ресурсности социальных предикторов ситуации болезни больных сахарным диабетом как без инвалидности, так и с ней.


Статья посвящена актуальной проблеме изучения способности творческого управления эмоциональными реакциями и состояниями. Обращается внимание на сложные вопросы, касающиеся операционализации понятия эмоциональной креативности и разработки объективных способов измерения этой личностной способности. Работа содержит описание нового, предложенного автором, объективного теста эмоциональной креативности, предполагающего продуцирование эмоциональных ответов на стимульные рисунки, содержащие условное изображение различных социально напряженных ситуаций.

The Influence of Husserl’s Phenomenology on the Ontopsychological Theory of Meneghetti

There is an attempt to recover the logic of perception of the heritage of E. Husserl’s phenomenological philosophy by A. Meneghetti as creator of the ontopsychological theory, presented in article. It emphasizes the importance of E. Husserl’s criticism of psychologism for the subsequent development of psychology and philosophy. It discusses the specifics of the Cartesian understanding of the relation between consciousness and human existence by ontopsychology and phenomenology.

Philosophical Interpretation of Essence of Innovations

This article is based on the phenomenon analysis of innovation and its activities. The philosophy of the innovative development is almost relevant to the intensification of innovative process and the fundamentals which is influenced by the public and private realities. The concept of Innovation is already defined and the prospects for the philosophical measurement is already set by its approach. In today’s life, we have large and wide approach for the innovative transformations which include human life, business, environment and our surroundings.

Virtualization of Epistemology: the Imaginary Branches of Knowledge

In article variability of “direct self-evidence” is investigated. On the basis of what possibility of alternative branches of knowledge is considered. The presumption of “direct self-evidence” made the base of traditional epistemology. The philosophy of the XX century makes relativization the idea about “direct self-evidence”. It becomes clear that ideas about “direct self-evidence”, about “intuitive obvious” varies during different epochs and at the different peoples, depending on cultural and historical types of thinking, structures of language, etc.

Migratory Processes in a Socio-philosophical Discourse: from Ecology to Culture

In article migrations as a special form of the social dynamics implying spatial movement of individuals or social groups are considered. The author pushes the key principles determining need of the social and philosophical analysis of migrations namely – complexity and complexity of migratory processes, and also their transformation throughout history of a development of humanity in connection with change of the dominating configurations of social space.

The Problem of Personal Identity: Relativism

The article is devoted to revelation of the essence of the relativistic approach to the problem of personal identity and identification. At the beginning of the work shall be approved by the main provisions of this approach as a methodological basis of philosophical inquiry. The author argues that a relativistic approach is associated with the ideas of philosophers postmodernists.

The Christian Transformation of Socio-economic thought on the Example of Views of Metropolitan Anthony Sourozh

The article deals with the development of issues related to national economy and economic activity in Russian Orthodox thought. It is postulated, relying on the teachings of the Holy Fathers, that economics for the Church is not a doctrinal issue, but it is indoctrinated by the idea of building the City of God on earth. This is an important pillar of theology of Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom).

Ecological Values as Protection against Gender Dysphoria: a Socio-philosophical Analysis

The article is devoted to the analysis of the influence of the ideology of transhumanism on gender self-identification. The values of transhumanism are very successfully institutionalized in modern, especially Western, society, and this process is fraught with serious threats to human being. In the process of analyzing this phenomenon, the author comes to the conclusion that the result of such institutionalization often becomes gender dysphoria, when a person can not fully accept his gender status of a man or a woman.

Semiotic Potential of the Touristic Space: the Features of Construction

The article considers various approaches to understanding the semiotic potential of tourist space as an object of construction. It is revealed that the main element of the semiotic potential is a tourist attraction, which in case of its consideration in a single “optical system” with a body of narrative accompaniment (object and cluster narratives) can be represented as a multi-level semiotic structure (metastructure). The integrity of the meta-image consists in the ordering of text narratives, coordination with semiotic markers.
