Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Migratory Processes in a Socio-philosophical Discourse: from Ecology to Culture

Dyzhin Sergey Е., Saratov State University

In article migrations as a special form of the social dynamics implying spatial movement of individuals or social groups are considered. The author pushes the key principles determining need of the social and philosophical analysis of migrations namely – complexity and complexity of migratory processes, and also their transformation throughout history of a development of humanity in connection with change of the dominating configurations of social space. The ecological model of migrations which develops in the 18th century is in detail analyzed, but most fully is reflected in works of representatives of the Chicago school of sociology. The essence of this model consists in consideration of social space as sets of separate orders, of which the ecological order determining forms of economic interaction, the relation of political inequality and emergence of cultural regulations is primary. Migrations, within this model, are reflection of natural processes and directly contact emergence of the ecological consciousness causing the need for spatial movement as to adaptation form to the changing conditions. The ecological model unfairly narrows set of the factors influencing forming of migratory processes, but for the first time addresses cultural determination as the integral factor of migration.


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