Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Russian civilization: Worldview and ideological

Introduction. The article examines the theoretical aspects of the relationship between the concepts of civilization, ideology, and worldview. The ideological aspects of the civilizational analysis of society are shown. Theoretical analysis. The article argues for the methodological and theoretical possibility of creating a new concept of civilizational development and proposes the option of mutual complementarity of the stadial and cyclic models of the civilizational process.

Conscience and historical memory in the context of Russian culture

Introduction. The work is aimed at revealing the dialectical relationship between the sense of conscience and historical memory, the conditionality of both by the dominant ideals of culture. Theoretical analysis. Using a psychoanalytic approach and the method of critical philosophical reflection, the author focuses on the conditionality of the cognition of history, and at the same time historical memory, by the restrictive framework of conscience, set by the specific orientation of an individual to the ideals of culture. Empirical analysis.

The civilizational basis of the beingness of an institutional person

Introduction. Atheistic literature insists that religious faith owes its origin to human ignorance. In its turn, this ‘ignorance’ of a person is closely connected with the ontological foundations of an institutional person determining the civilizational basis of his or her beingness. Theoretical analysis. Overcoming intellectual limitation the study of the ontological foundations of the formation of social being is now acquiring important scientific and socio-political signifi cance in the development of social space.

Spirituality as the Highest Value in a Person’s Life

The article describes spirituality as the highest value and the basis
of the existence of a person. The key point of the article is that
the process of becoming a spiritual person doesn’t happen all on
its own and doesn’t depend on the subject itself. On the contrary,
this process requires a certain amount of efforts to happen and
even an inner heroic deed of person, seeking for a spiritual and
cultural growth. The conclusion is that the spirituality is a unique

Contemporary Russian Society and Social-philosophical Analysis of its Definition

This paper explores an operationalization of the concepts for contemporary Russian society. Drawing on theoretical frameworks of some concepts such as postmodernism, consumer society, post-industrial society the authors operationalize them. Our findings suggest that contemporary Russian society has a wide range of definitions. It is defined as post-historic, network or information society, postmodern society, etc. The set of different concepts represents Russian society and makes a definitions confusion. Such definitions should be applicable to modern Russian society.

Globalization and Individualization: Logic of Social and Philosophical Interrelation

Article is devoted to a research of processes of globalization in the context of the structure and specifics of transformation of global society. Against the background of globalization there is a deformation of the existing subjects that often is represented researchers of society as something, destroying social solidarity. The special place in the context of the delivered problem is allocated to a dichotomy research «collective – individual». The author criticizes the dominating theory that because of globalization there is individualization.

The Dynamics of Value Orientations of the Creative Elite in a Risk Society

In this article the author makes an attempt to determine the reasons for the loss of civilizational identity, coupled with the loss of the previous values and social certainty. He is trying to figure out the role played by the creative elite in shaping the cultural identification attitudes of society in modern Russia. The article traces the dynamics of formation and development of Russian identity in the transition period. Analyzes the direction and nature of the state of social dynamics.

Professional-Ethical Culture of Personality

Theoretical analysis of «professional-ethical culture of personality» notion within the bounds of activity, axiological and personal approaches is made. Correlation between profession and ethics is elicited. It is underlined that ethics is the core of professional culture.

«Man» and «Woman» on the Podium Postmodern

Article is devoted social philosophically to the analysis of one of actual problems of modern gender researches – permutation of the gender text of culture in a postmodern situation. The author reveals the main signs of cardinal changes which undergo gender very types of classical culture. The special attention in article is paid to the analysis of a wide range sociocultural a determinant which cause deep metamorphoses of genders of masculine and feminny type.

Migratory Processes in a Socio-philosophical Discourse: from Ecology to Culture

In article migrations as a special form of the social dynamics implying spatial movement of individuals or social groups are considered. The author pushes the key principles determining need of the social and philosophical analysis of migrations namely – complexity and complexity of migratory processes, and also their transformation throughout history of a development of humanity in connection with change of the dominating configurations of social space.
