Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Professional-Ethical Culture of Personality

Pavlova Olga Vyacheslavovna, Saratov State University

Theoretical analysis of «professional-ethical culture of personality» notion within the bounds of activity, axiological and personal approaches is made. Correlation between profession and ethics is elicited. It is underlined that ethics is the core of professional culture. The author`s definition of professional-ethical culture of personality is presented as extent and method of assimilation and implementation of professional knowledge, abilities and skills, norms and values; as a special type of professional activity intended to implementation of acts filled with values, caused by moral senses and generated by moral senses. The components of professional-ethical culture of personality are disclosed such as cognitive one: knowledge of a profession, its values and norms, notions, terms united in system of professional training and self-training; sensual-emotional one: the feelings being a part of category of «the highest» ones, the emotional relation to assimilation of professional-ethical values; axiological one: system development of professional and universal norms and values; activity one: professional skills and abilities, readiness for high-quality performance of the set professional tasks having a professional-ethical focus. It is highlighted that professional-ethical culture of personality is an essential condition for its socialization, self-actualization and for sustainable development of the society which part this personality is considered to be.


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