Virtualization of Epistemology: the Imaginary Branches of Knowledge
In article variability of “direct self-evidence” is investigated. On the basis of what possibility of alternative branches of knowledge is considered. The presumption of “direct self-evidence” made the base of traditional epistemology. The philosophy of the XX century makes relativization the idea about “direct self-evidence”. It becomes clear that ideas about “direct self-evidence”, about “intuitive obvious” varies during different epochs and at the different peoples, depending on cultural and historical types of thinking, structures of language, etc. In article it is offered to take more radical step. It is offered to pass from relativizations to virtualization of the base of epistemology. It is offered to pass from a variety of cultural and historical types of thinking to investigating of “the imaginary branches of knowledge”. Possibilities of the “alternative physics” and the “alternative mathematics” for which the look of other subjects would be a starting point of knowledge are considered. The “alternative physics” and the “alternative mathematics” from imaginary viewpoints of subjects of not humanoid type are considered. It is emphasized that the offered project of alternative physics – not the same, that the variety of the possible Universes from viewpoint of physics itself. And the project of alternative mathematics – not the same, that the variety of the mathematical languages from viewpoint of mathematics itself
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