Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Semiotic Potential of the Touristic Space: the Features of Construction

Leukhin Alexey Nikolaevich, Astrakhan State University

The article considers various approaches to understanding the semiotic potential of tourist space as an object of construction. It is revealed that the main element of the semiotic potential is a tourist attraction, which in case of its consideration in a single “optical system” with a body of narrative accompaniment (object and cluster narratives) can be represented as a multi-level semiotic structure (metastructure). The integrity of the meta-image consists in the ordering of text narratives, coordination with semiotic markers. Semiotic measurement of the attraction allows to model the configurations of metastructures (archetypes, symbols, myth), the representation of which allows visualizing the matrix of images, interpreting its elements, and thus “re-assembling” the attraction into an attractive object of tourist interest. The use of the author's method of semiotisation (“identifying symbols”) of the objects of the tourist space makes it possible to trace the trajectories of the interaction of figurative-symbolic representations, to reveal the contours of strained attention, the limits of concentration and dispersion of the “energies” of force fields, to set the interpretative possibilities of tourist narratives in the process of attractions construction. The results of the design can form the basis for the formation of state policy in the field of tourism, aimed at the design of sensual meta-spaces, the programming of traditional for our country socio-cultural and civil identity.


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