Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Visual Representation as a Way of Constructing - Reconstructing a Psychological Situation

Outcomes of a psychological analysis and of a theoretical reflection of the notions of a «psychological situation» and of a «visual representation» are presented. Such traits of a psychological situation as an integrity, an openness, a dynamics, an instability, a non-linearity are specified. It is stated that any visual forms incorporate a certain meaning loading, and produce a meaning visual. A photographic picture as a kind of a visual representation subject to an interpretative comprehension is considered.

Psychological Mechanisms of Reproduction of a Criminal Behaviour

The article gives the results of the research of a criminal subculture as one of the basic sources of the professional employment of criminality. The concepts and notions of traditions, rituals, tattoos, nicknames, slang of a criminal society are exposed as well as the analysis of their nature and content. Often it acts as the psychological tool (mechanism) of formation and development of a criminal activity.

Personality Attitudes towards Emigration Functions and Structure Analysis

The paper performs a structural-functional analysis of a personality attitudes towards migration system using data of an empirical research, and those of a forming experiment. Emigration intentions cherishing personalitys system of attitudes peculiarities have been detected, in which content components dissonance does not support a subjects integrity and self-identity. A forming experiment outcomes have become a basis for singling out an imperative and an adaptive functions of a personalitys attitudes towards emigration system.

Personal and Professional Self-Determination as Socialization Effects

The paper discusses a problem of a personality self-determination as an effect of its socialization. Theoretical analysis embraces peculiarities of self-determination; its determinants and dynamic specificities; a correlation of personal and professional self-determination. Tasks for further studies of self-determination from the viewpoint of social psychology of personality are stated.

Social-Psychological Determinants of Motivation of Achievement in Educational Activity

In this article was a produced results of empirical research social-psychological a determinant of motivation of achievement in educational activity are submitted. Interrelations between motivation of achievement and parameters of social - psychological properties of the person with a high / low level of motivation of achievement are revealed.

Art as Finding Oneself

The paper reports outcomes of a theoretical reflection of art as a world of experience within a phenomenological approach framework. The paper alleges that by means of art it is possible to comprehend the Other and to recognize oneself within various social contexts. The paper demonstrates that by means of communicative practices art unfolds essential facets of the Other, expands meaningful horizons of a subjects reflexive experience field, and constructs a new model of a personal identity.

Structural and Functional Approach to the Cultural and Psychological Research of Psychological Personal Competence

Structural and functional approach is suggested as a base for cultural and psychological personal competence modeling. The competence
is considered to be an integrated social psychological characteristic of a person and reflects his efficient cooperation with cultural environment.
The article shows the significance of cultural and psychologicalcompetence in realization of life perspectives of a person, his
professional and citizenly achievements. 

Frustration of Vital Value Personal for Accentuation Character

In this article was produced results of experiment research some connections between a frustration of vital value personal and accentuation
character. It was discover some natural phenomenon in age aspect. It was indicate that a frustration such values as «interesting
work», «health», «love», «happy family life» might affect a deep emotional component endopsyhe person. Anxiety-Stick complex was
revealed. This complex deform a sphere of an activities of subject. 


Psychological Representations about Environment of School Adaptation at Pupils of the Senior Classes

In article the maintenance of internal conceptual models of the environment of adaptation at senior pupils reveals, the role of internal
models of the world in the course of school adaptation comes to light. 

The Concept «Disease Situation» – Objektive and Subjective Components

The article examines the phenomenon of disease. The author thinksthat this phenomenon is a complex system of many reasons with factors, influencing each other. That means that it is necessary toanalyze total combination of the person’s development conditions, theobjective social situation of development (L.S. Vygotsky), which putthe person into chronic somatic disease.The author has worked out and approved the concept of the diseasesituation.
