Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Theoretical Analysis of Projective Methods and Modern Drawing Test «Bird»

Abakarova Emma G., Stavropol State Medical University

This article deals with an analysis of the projective methods currently in use. It demonstrates the way in which pojective testing can be used to help identify basic personality functions and both emotional and cognitive disorders, and illustrates problems affecting the theoretical foundations of projective experimentation during the development of the projective technique, while also putting forward a classification of the projective tests currently in use in Russia. The article reveals the importance of using projective testing, basing its theory on the exclusive personalisation of drawing and writing. Drawing have traditionally been interpreted using their symbolism and detail, aswell as the motor reflexes and colour palette employed. As a rule, keeping instructions minimal frees up the imagination of the test subject. The handwriting of the majority of people contains individual characteristics, with their combination and use in letters forming a personally-specific and unreproducible set of signs. The article assesses the usefulness of the Bird Test (E.G. Abakarova, 2014), a projective method which includes an analysis of an illustration (an image of a bird) and its written annotations. It underlines the potential for projective tests to find a use beyond diagnostic work, in the correction of the traits of personality and emotional state of the test subject by finding the most effective route forward.


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